BU Hub Diversity Statement
How the Hub is Committed to Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion
The BU Hub, both in its curriculum and as a part of BU’s campus, strongly affirms and strives to uphold Boston University’s commitment to creating a diverse, equitable, and inclusive campus environment for all students, faculty, and staff, as reflected in the BU Diversity Statement and on the BU Diversity & Inclusion website.
The BU Hub curriculum includes several important goals for students related to diversity, equity, and inclusion, such as: In particular, the Hub capacity of Diversity, Civic Engagement, and Global Citizenship focuses on three distinct Hub areas: The Individual in Community (IIC), Global Citizenship and Intercultural Literacy (GCI), and Ethical Reasoning (ETR). Hub courses that include these areas are intended to 1) provide students with opportunities to explore themes of diversity, identity, community, inclusiveness, cultural understanding, ethical responsibility, and social justice in greater depth; and 2) provide faculty with the occasion to explicitly integrate learning outcomes for these areas into course curricula. First-year and sophomore students can also take two Hub specialty courses on social and racial justice, HUB SJ 101/102. In addition, the BU Hub Pathways are an optional way for undergraduates to fulfill some or many of their general education requirements by taking Hub courses from across the University focused on an interdisciplinary topic of global significance. Hub Pathways can provide thematic coherence for students who would like to engage more deeply and widely with these critical, interdisciplinary issues while building upon knowledge from other courses. One Hub Pathway, Social & Racial Justice, allows students to explore the historical grounding of various forms of social and racial inequality, themes of intercultural understanding, and contemporary activism aimed at making the world more equitable and inclusive. Students who select courses in this Hub Pathway will have more opportunities to articulate and critically examine their own beliefs and opinions on such topics as human diversity, identity, race and antiracism, class, gender, sexuality, intersectionality, power, and social equity and inclusion, among others.In the BU Hub Curriculum:
The BU Hub Diversity and Inclusion Committee was active 2020-2022. It’s charge: The BU Hub Diversity and Inclusion Committee strives to actively promote discourse and learning around diversity, equity, and inclusion; to create an affirming office environment; and to advance associated projects and develop related office policies. The Committee’s projects included: The office and staff of the Hub continue to live the charge of the Committee and work to promote a diverse, equitable, inclusive, and affirming office environment. In the BU Hub Office:
Below is a selection of BU units, resources, and policies regarding different aspects of diversity, equity, and inclusion at Boston University. This is not intended to be a comprehensive list. We encourage you to explore BU Diversity & Inclusion for additional information and resources.Selected University Resources and Policies: