Undergraduate Courses
Below is a list of undergraduate courses taught by IDS faculty. For more detailed descriptions, syllabi and schedule go to ECE undergraduate courses page.
- EK131/132: Introduction to Engineering. Introduction to engineering analysis and/or design through a sequence of two modules or minicourses chosen from a selection of modules offered by participating engineering faculty. Each module presents students with key concepts and techniques relevant to an applied area of engineering.
- EK307: Electric Circuit Theory. Introduction to electric circuit analysis and design; voltage, current, and power, quantities, element I-V curves, circuit laws and theorems; energy storage; frequency domain, frequency response, and transient response; sinusoidal steady state and transfer functions; operational amplifiers, design.
- EC330: Applied Algorithms for Engineers. Introduction to the general concept of algorithms. Efficiency and run-time of algorithm. Various approaches to design of algorithms and their applications to numerous typical numerical and non-numerical problems.
- EC381: Probability Theory in Electrical and Computer Engineering. Introduction to modeling uncertainty in electrical and computer systems. Experiments, models, and probabilities. Discrete and continuous random variables. Reliability models for circuits. Probability distributions. Moments and expectations. Random vectors. Functions of random variables. Sums of random variables and limit theorems. Signal detection and estimation. Basic stochastic processes. Discrete-time Markov chains. State-diagrams. Applications to statistical modeling and interpretation of experimental data in computer, communication, and optical systems.
- EC401: Signals and Systems. Continuous-time and discrete-time signals and systems. Convolution sum, convolution integral. Linearity, time-invariance, causality, and stability of systems. Frequency domain analysis of signals and systems. Filtering, sampling, and modulation. Laplace transform, z-transform, pole-zero plots. Linear feedback systems. Cannot be taken for credit in addition to ENG BE401.
- EC402: Control Systems. Analysis of linear feedback systems, their characteristics, performance, and stability. The Routh-Hurwitz, root-locus, Bode, and Nyquist techniques. Design and compensation of feedback control systems.
- EC414: Introduction to Machine Learning. Linear regression. Maximum likelihood and maximum a posteriori estimation. Classification techniques, including na?ve Bayes, k-nearest neighbors, logistic regression, and support vector machines. Data visualization and feature extraction, including principal components analysis and linear projections. Clustering. Introduction to neural networks and deep learning. Discussion of other modern analysis methods.
- EC415: Communications Systems. Signal analysis and transmission; amplitude modulation, angle modulation, pulse-amplitude and pulse-code modulation; amplitude shift-keying, frequency shift-keying, phase-shift keying. Case studies of practical communication systems.
- EC416: Digital Signal Processing. Introduces techniques of digital signal processing and application to deterministic as well as random signals. Topics include representation of discrete-time random signals, A/D conversion, D/A conversion, frequency domain and z-domain analysis of discrete-time signals and systems, discrete-time feedback systems, difference equation and FFT based realizations of digital filters, design of IIR Butterworth filters, window-based FIR filter design, digital filtering of random signals, FFT-based power spectrum analysis. Includes lab.
- EC441: Introduction to Computer Networking. Computer networks, focusing on the Internet. Application protocols (Web, E-mail), basics of socket programming, major Internet protocols (TCP and IP), fundamental aspects of routing and reliable data transfer over networks, medium access protocols, wired and wireless Local Area Networks (LANs) technologies. Hands-on laboratory modules on client-server programming, Internet experiments, and protocol implementation. Includes lab.