
We have an outstanding group of world-renowned faculty who are leaders in their respective research domains. IDS faculty have served as IEEE Society Presidents, as Editors-in-Chief, Senior Area Editors and Associate Editors of top IEEE journals, and as General and Technical Chairs of premier conferences,  symposiums, and workshops in various areas.  They have recognized as IEEE Fellows, and have been elected to the US Air Force Scientific Advisory Board, to the IEEE Society Board of Governors, and various  IEEE technical committees. All faculty who were eligible to participate have won the NSF CAREER  award.

Kayhan Batmanghelich, Assistant Professor
Medical Vision (Medical Image Analysis)
Machine Learning
carruthersJeffrey Carruthers, Associate Professor
Photonic Wireless Communication
Mobile and Wireless Networks
Engineering Education
cassandrasChristos Cassandras, Professor
Discrete Event and Hybrid Systems
Stochastic Optimization
Manufacturing Systems
Communication and Sensor Networks
Command-Control Systems
castanonDavid  Castañón, Professor
Stochastic Control
Estimation, Optimization
Image Understanding
Parallel Computing
Ashok Cutkosky, Assistant Professor
Machine Learning
Emiliano Dall’Anese, Associate Professor
Data-driven optimization and control of physical and dynamical systems
Safe online optimization of dynamical systems
Modern power and energy systems
Electrified transportation
grayRobert M. Gray, Research Professor
Quantization Theory and Algorithms
Information Theory
Statistical Signal Processing
Signal Compression and Classification
goyalVivek Goyal, Professor
Computational Imaging
Information Representation
Statistical Signal Processing
Human Decision Making and Perception
ishwarPrakash Ishwar, Professor
Machine Learning,
Statistical Signal Processing
Network Information Theory
Information-Theoretic Security
Visual Information Analysis and Processing
karlW. Clem Karl, Professor and Chair
Statistical Signal Processing
Biomedical Signal and Image Processing
Multidimensional and Multiscale Signal and Image Processing
5/22/15 -- Boston, MA Electrical and Computer Engineering faculty headshots: Janusz Konrad, Professor, Computer Engineering and Information and Data Sciences. Photo by Mike Spencer for Boston University PhotographyJanusz Konrad, Professor
Visual Sensor Networks
Image and Video Processing
Computer Vision
Stereoscopic and 3-D Imaging
Human-Computer Interfaces
Multidimensional Digital Signal Processing
kulisBrian Kulis, Associate Professor
Machine Learning
Computer Vision
Optimization and Large-scale data analysis
littleWenchao Li, Assistant Professor
Dependable Human-in-the-Loop Systems
Safe A.I.
Computational Proof Methods
Cyber-Physical Systems
Design Automation
littleThomas Little, Professor
Mobile Ad Hoc Networks (MANETs)
Multimedia Computing
Computer Networking
Software Engineering
Embedded Sensor Networks
nawabHamid Nawab, Professor
Adaptively Invoked Signal Processing for Clinical, Physiological, and Auditory Applications
Applied Artificial Intelligence
Short-Time and Short-Space Signal Processing
nazerBobak Nazer, Associate Professor
Information Theory and Communications
Reliable Computation over Networks
Distributed Signal Processing
nazerEshed Ohn-Bar, Assistant Professor
Computer Vision
Machine Learning
Autonomous Systems
Assistive Technologies
olshevskyAlex Olshevsky, Assistant Professor
Control Theory
Network Science
paschalidisYannis Paschalidis, Professor
Systems and Control, Networking
Applied Probability, Optimization, Operations Research
Computational Biology
Communication and Sensor Networks
Protein Docking
saligramaVenkatesh Saligrama, Professor
Machine Learning
Video Analysis
Statistical Signal Processing
Information and Control Theory
Network Science
starobinskiDavid Starobinski, Professor
Modeling and Performance Analysis of Communication Networks
Wireless Networking and Software Defined Radios
Network Economics
tianLei Tian, Assistant Professor
Computational Imaging and Sensing
Compressive Imaging
Gigapixel 3D Microscopy
Phase Retrieval, Imaging through Complex Media
X-ray Phase Imaging
Applications: Biomedical Imaging, Metrology, Security, Defense
trachtenbergAri Trachtenberg, Professor
Error Correcting Codes
Data Synchronization (especially for PDAs and mobile networks)
Sensor-Based Location Detection Algorithms
Archana Venkataraman, Associate Professor
Clinical Neuroscience
Network Modeling
Artificial Intelligence

Affiliated Faculty

mendilloMichael Mendillo, Professor
Department of Astronomy

Space Physics
Solar-Terrestrial Relations
Active Experiments in Space Plasmas
Planetary Astronomy