Janetos Climate Action Prize

Honor Tony’s Legacy

Support the Prize Fund to celebrate student award-winners’ achievements for years to come.


The Anthony Janetos Climate Action Prize, presented each spring, recognizes a student or team of students participating in a BU Campus Climate Lab project that demonstrates the greatest potential to advance BU’s Climate Action Plan goals and promote more sustainable University operations.

Professor Anthony Janetos chaired the 2017 Climate Action Plan Task Force, which led to the creation of the Plan and Campus Climate Lab. To both honor and continue Tony’s legacy, Boston University established this student award to recognize Tony’s leadership and commemorate the significance of those efforts.

2024 Janetos Climate Action Prize Winners

(Pictured left to right): Leon Long, Luisa DiLorenzo, Kai Raina Tung, Associate Professor Emily Ryan, Benjamin Pedi, Sofiya Filippova, and Lorenzo Barale.

Research: Undergraduate students from the College of Engineering, with the guidance of Dr. Emily Ryan, Associate Professor of Mechanical Engineering and IGS Associate Director, built compact air pollution monitoring devices to attach to bicycles and improve street-level air quality data. The devices gather granular information on particulate matter, methane, nitric oxide, and carbon dioxide and use GPS and motion sensors to track the location of trips and to turn on and off.

Results: The team created 4 fully functional prototype devices and 4 printed circuit boards that have already captured data from multiple neighborhoods. The devices successfully pinpointed minor gas leaks and air quality levels along numerous bike routes. The device demonstrated similar accuracy to Environmental Protection Agency sensor stations, considered the gold standard.

Implementation: The team will use their monitors to gather localized spatial and temporal data on various pollutants across Boston, for analysis by the Computational Energy Laboratory (CEL) at Boston University. The group is now in talks with the municipal owners of Bluebikes about a pilot program to gather air quality data from bike trips around Boston.

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