
Advance a Resilient Future. Donate.

No issue is more urgent than the sustainability challenges confronting the world today. And no academic center is more committed to facing those challenges—and finding solutions—than the Boston University Institute for Global Sustainability (IGS).

IGS brings together more than 100 world-class faculty members from across Boston University to advance a sustainable and equitable future. Our work is focused on three core research areas grounded in equity and justice, robust data science, and real-world impact:

  • Planetary and environmental health
  • Energy systems of the future
  • Climate governance and sustainability transitions

There are many ways for donors to sustain and strengthen our work at different levels. Your contributions support IGS research and engagement initiatives and help translate our findings into key policy changes that foster transformative social action.


For more information, please contact:
Ron Gray
Associate Vice President, Special Initiatives
(617) 353-9210