Dan Li

Headshot of Dan Li

Affiliated Faculty, IGS
Associate Professor, Earth & Environment

2013 PhD Princeton University
2009 BE Tsinghua University

Dan Li, affiliated faculty with the Boston University Institute for Global Sustainability (IGS), is an Associate Professor in the Department of Earth & Environment at Boston University. He received his Bachelor’s degree in Hydraulic Engineering in 2009 from Tsinghua University and my PhD in Civil and Environmental Engineering in 2013 from Princeton University. Before joining BU in 2016, he worked as a postdoctoral research associate in the Program of Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences at Princeton University and as a visiting scientist in the Geophysical Fluid Dynamics Laboratory. His group’s research focuses on the dynamics and thermodynamics of the lower atmosphere. They are particularly interested in the interactions between the atmosphere and the Earth’s surface and the hydrological and climatic implications of such interactions. They use a variety of research tools, including theoretical analyses, numerical models, and field experiments to address pressing challenges such as climate change and urbanization.

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