David O. Jermain

Headshot for David Jermain

Senior Fellow, IGS
Owner, DOJc Consulting


David O. Jermain, a former Senior Fellow with the Boston University Institute for Global Sustainability (IGS), works on matters pertaining to the models for 21st century electricity production, delivery, and use, electric vehicle (EV) infrastructure, clean energy transitions and critical infrastructure interdependencies, as well as challenges related to accelerating institutional transformations to fully adopting and adapting to circular economy policies and practices. He has forty years of experience in US and global energy and resource-related disciplines. He has worked in both private and public sector venues.

In the private sector, he has been an executive at leading electric utilities; engaged in managing the design and development of competitive energy markets (US, Russia, India and South America venues); and has helped start companies providing microgrid and hybrid distributed energy solutions, as well as engineered biomass fuel solutions. In the public sector, he helped write the Department of Energy Quadrennial Energy Review 1.2, released by the White House in early January 2017. Also, Jermain has provided advisory and consulting services as a sole proprietor, partner in a small firm, director for international energy restructuring projects for a mid-sized firm, and Principal for a global accounting firm on strategy design, organization design and change management, and enterprise restructuring. He has served as the Vice President for Market Monitoring, Internal Audit, and Public Affairs for the California Power Exchange and acted as the executive manager of a merchant plant workout in the US. His work has included investment due diligence for private equity firms, driving mergers and acquisitions in the utility sector, and helping energy technology start-up firms raise capital.

His analytical and scholarly interests are wide-ranging including the value interdependences of information and energy, design and deployment barriers to distributed energy resources, end-to-end supply chain (and ecosystems) transformation, and emerging intelligent digital platform integration for multi-scaled grid management and related market operations. Issues concerning CCUS deployment also are part of his research portfolio. He has co-edited a book on EV infrastructure for the ISE titled, Melting the ICE. He is published in scholarly and trade-related journals and has been a member of the Board of a small investment fund and a proposed RTO (Western Interconnect, LLC) for the interconnected US western electric transmission system.

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