Jeffrey Geddes

Headshot for Jeffrey Geddes

Core Faculty, IGS
Associate Professor, Earth & Environment

PhD, University of Toronto
BSc, University of Toronto

Jeffrey Geddes, core faculty with the Boston University Institute for Global Sustainability (IGS), is an associate professor in the Department of Earth & Environment. Before coming to Boston University, Jeff earned his PhD in Chemistry from the University of Toronto and was a postdoc at Dalhousie University and MIT. His research combines satellite observations of atmospheric composition with models of atmospheric chemistry and transport to learn about the sources, sinks, and spatial distribution of atmospheric pollutants relevant to global air quality. Geddes is an NSF CAREER and NASA New Investigator Program awardee. He is currently leading projects focused on understanding the role land use and land cover changes on atmospheric composition and advancing the applications of satellite observations to determine ground-level air pollutant concentrations. Geddes is involved in algorithm development and validation for multiple geostationary satellite instruments dedicated to monitoring atmospheric composition, is a co-chair of the Chemistry-Ecosystem-Climate working group for the GEOS-Chem model, and is a steering committee member for the World Meteorological Organization’s Measurement-Model Fusion for Global Total Atmospheric Deposition initiative.

Pronouns: he/him

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