Sarah Davies

Headshot of Sarah Davies

Affiliated Faculty, IGS
Associate Professor, Biology

PhD Ecology Behavior and Evolution, University of Texas at Austin
MSc Biology, University of Calgary
BSc Biology, University of Victoria

Sarah Davies, affiliated faculty with the Boston University Institute for Global Sustainability (IGS), is an Associate Professor of Biology at Boston University. She earned her MSc from the University of Calgary in 2009 and her PhD from the University of Texas at Austin in 2014. In 2014, she worked as a postdoctoral researcher at the University of North Carolina and in 2016 she became a Simons Foundation Fellow of the Life Sciences Research Foundation.

Davies is an integrative biologist and her expertise includes ecological and evolutionary genomics, symbiosis, ecophysiology, and marine biology, and her research largely focuses on how coral symbioses respond to climate change. Davies is a core member of the Genetics Working Group of the Coral Restoration Consortium, which focuses on providing guidance to reef managers on how to best restore coral populations. Davies is also deeply passionate about mentorship and its ability to facilitate increased representation of marginalized scholars in STEM. She is also an academic mother and aims to create a safer space for parents across all career stages in the academy.

Pronouns: she/her

Twitter: @DaviesswPhD

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