IHI Announcements & Spring 2024 Semester Events


  • May 14, 2024:  IHI wants to recognize the many years of prolific scholarship and dedicated service of Professor Cathal Nolan on the occasion of his retirement from Boston University.  Cathal played an instrumental role in the IHI from its early days working with Prof. William Keylor, serving initially as the Executive Director and then after Prof. Keylor’s retirement as IHI Director.  Like Bill, Cathal will remain an IHI Fellow and be honored as a Director Emeritus.


  • Mar. 21, 2024:  IHI extends special thanks to IHI Fellow Dr. Maria Robson-Morrow of Harvard University’s Belfer Center for giving a guest presentation on “Signals Intelligence in World War II” to Pardee School students.  Dr. Robson-Morrow has the unique ability to explain complicated technical topics (i.e., SIGINT) in terms that a nontechnical person (i.e., most Pardee IR students) can readily understand.


  • Jan. 08, 2024:  IHI is pleased to announce the appointments of Dr. Maria Robson-Morrow of Harvard University’s Belfer Center, and Dr. Michael Potter, a member of the Research Service of the Northern Ireland Assembly, as new IHI Fellows.  IHI Director John Woodward noted, “Dr. Robson-Morrow has been a frequent and popular guest lecturer at the Pardee School.  Dr. Potter visited us in 2022 to present several well-received talks on issues related to Northern Ireland and conflict resolution.  IHI welcomes both of these scholars.”


  • Dec. 14, 2024:  IHI is pleased to report that The Naval Review, the official journal of the United Kingdom’s Royal Navy, has favorably reviewed Great Power Clashes Along the Maritime Silk Road, written by IHI Fellow, Dr. Grant Rhode.  According to the review, Rhode’s book “provides a highly interesting and informative read … It also features useful maps, charts and tables. This book will certainly appeal to anyone with an interest in the history of the Indo-Pacific region, its contemporary geopolitics, or the histories of the Ottoman Empire, India, China, Korea, or Japan.”  Dr. Rhode discussed his book on March 20, 2024 at BU; see the Events section below.


  • Dec. 11, 2024:  IHI is pleased to announce the appointments of Prof. Aimee Genell, Prof. Andrei Mamolea, and Prof. Rachel Nolan, all assistant professors at the Pardee School of Global Studies, as new IHI Fellows.  “Aimee, Andrei, and Rachel are first-rate scholars with a passion for international history. They are welcome additions to IHI and will greatly contribute to our efforts,” commented IHI Director John Woodward.

Fall 2024 Semester Events:

  • To be determined.

Spring 2024 Semester Events: