Stefano Marcuzzi

Stefano Marcuzzi is a Marie-Curie Fellow at the School of Politics and International Relations of the University College Dublin and a Visiting Scholar at Carnegie Europe (Brussels). He took his DPhil in Military History at the University of Oxford in 2016, under the supervision of Prof. Sir Hew Strachan, with a thesis on Anglo-Italian relations during the First World War. Thereafter he moved to Florence as a Max Weber Fellow at the European University Institute (EUI), and was affiliated with the Robert Schuman Centre for Advanced Studies (RSCAS). He worked on EU-NATO Mediterranean relations after 9/11 under the mentorship of Luigi Narbone and Olivier Roy. Marcuzzi is an analyst for the NATO Defense College Foundation (Rome), and a member of the Globalising and Localising the Great War Group (GLGW), the Changing Character of War Programme (CCW), and the Oxford University Strategic Studies Group (OUSSG), Oxford.

He has both Italian and English publications:

  • S. Marcuzzi, Defending and Forging Empires: Britain and Italy, 1914-1919, manuscript under revision.
  • ID.,“Emerging challenges: Alt Cyber Ops”, in Game changers strategic trends, (NATO Defense College Foundation, AGRA, Rome, 2019).
  • ID., A. Terzi, “Are Multinationals Eclipsing Nation-States?”, Project Syndicate, 1 February 2019.
  • S. Marcuzzi, “NATO-EU Maritime Cooperation: for What Strategic Effect?”, NATO Defense College Policy Brief series, No. 7, December 2018.
  • ID., “From the Adriatic to the Mediterranean: Italy in the Allied Naval Strategy, 1915-1918”, War in History, 13 December 2018.
  • ID., “Defending the Southern Flank. EU-NATO Cooperation in the Mediterranean”, EUI Red Number Series, November 2018, RNS reference: MWP_WP_RNS_2018_43.
  • ID., “Hybrid Warfare in Historical Perspectives”, NATO Defense College Foundation Papers, 25 June 2018.
  • ID., “A Machiavellian Ally? Italy in the Entente, 1914-1918”, in Italy in the Era of the Great War, V. Wilcox ed. (Leiden, Boston, 2018).
  • ID.,Italy’s ‘Parallel War’ in Libya (1914-1924). A forgotten front of World War I, in Africa and the First World War: Remembrance, Memories and Representations after Hundred Years (Cambridge: Cambridge Scholar Publishing, 2018).
  • ID., “The battle of Gorizia (6-17 August 1916): a turning-point in Italy’s war”, EUI Cadmus Series, July 2017.
  • ID., “L’ombra di Brexit sulla grandeur inglese” (“Brexit’s Shadow over British Grandeur”), Affari Internazionali, Istituto Affari Internazionali, Rome, 15 January 2016.
  • ID., “La guerra e il territorio: le Scuole Superiori di Padova durante la Prima Guerra Mondiale”  (“War and Territory: Life in the High Schools of Padua during the First World War”), in Fronti Interni. Esperienze di guerra lontano dalla guerra 1914-1918 (Naples: ESI, 2014).
  • ID., “Il Western: espressione di una nazione” (“The Western Cinema, portrait of a Nation”) in G.P. Brunetta e G. Tinazzi eds., La via mélièsiana. Viaggio nella storia del cinema in quattordici tappe (Padua: Quaderni D.A.M.S., Esedra ed., 2010).