ILJ 27.2 — Summer 2009

Developments in International Disability Sports Law Symposium Edition

Dedication of Issue to Allan MacCurdy
Aviam Soifer, Larry Yackle & Frances Miller

Andrew Novak


Disability in Sport in the Twenty-First Century: Creating a New Sport Opportunity Spectrum
Ted Fay & Eli Wolff
Page 231

Social Rights and the Relational Value of the Rights to Participate in Sport, Recreation, and Play 
Janet E. Lord & Michael Ashley Stein
Page 249

Athletes with Disabilities in School Sports: A Critical Assessment of the State of Sports Opportunities for Students with Disabilities
Terri Lakowski
Page 283

Using the Americans with Disabilities Act to Inform “Access to Sporting Venues” Under the Disabilities Convention
David McArdle
Page 317

The Paralympics: Yet Another Missed Opportunity for Social Integration 
Joshua L. Friedman & Gary C. Norman
Page 345

Is it Cheating to Use Cheetahs?: The Implications of Technologically Innovative Prostheses for Sports Values and Rules 
Patricia J. Zettler
Page 367