2022 Summer Fellowships

The IOC is accepting applications for Summer 2022 Fellowships with the cities of Boston, MA; Chelsea, MA; and Providence, MA. The deadline to apply for undergraduate fellowships is Tuesday, February 22 at 11:59pm. Graduate fellowship applications are due by Sunday, February 27 at 11:59pm.

Students interested in racial equity, local government, environmental justice, public service, or housing are encouraged to apply.

Undergraduate Student Opportunities:

Applications for undergraduate fellowships are due Tuesday, February 22, 2022.

  • Boston, MA: Mayor’s Office of Resilience and Racial Equity (MORRE)
    • One BU undergraduate student will have the opportunity to work with the City of Boston’s Chief Resilience Officer, Ms. Lori Nelson, in the Mayor’s Office of Resilience and Racial Equity (MORRE) and support activities overseen by her office. Learn more here.
  • Chelsea, MA: Open Data & Digital Communications Initiatives
    • One BU undergraduate student will have the opportunity to help advance the City of Chelsea’s open data and digital communications initiatives while gaining first-hand insight and experience into how local government works. Learn more here.
  • Providence, RI: Office of Sustainability Justice Fellowship
    • One BU undergraduate student will have the opportunity to spend the summer working with the City of Providence’s Office of Sustainability to focus on issues of environmental justice. Learn more here.

Graduate Student Opportunities:

Applications for graduate fellowships are due Sunday, February 27, 2022.

  • Boston, MA: Mayor’s Office of New Urban Mechanics (MONUM)
    • One BU graduate student will have the opportunity to spend the summer working with the City of Boston, within the Mayor’s Office of New Urban Mechanics (MONUM). Learn more here.
  • Boston, MA: Neighborhood Development and Housing Innovation Lab (part time)
    • One BU graduate student will have the opportunity to spend the summer working part-time with the City of Boston’s Department of Neighborhood Development and Housing Innovation Lab. Learn more here.
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