Professor Tony Janetos, 1954-2019

It is with great sorrow that we learned that Professor Tony Janetos passed away on August 6th after battling pancreatic cancer.

Tony has given extraordinary service to the University in his leadership of the Pardee Center, the Department of Earth and Environment, and BU’s Climate Action Plan. His impact on the University will endure for decades to come.

Tony was also a wonderful mentor and friend from the earliest days of the formation of the Initiative on Cities. He was a tremendous source of advice, support and above all encouragement that was critical in our early months and years. He welcomed Mayor Menino as a friend and partner, making this new world of academia feel familiar. He was always happy to offer guidance to Katharine, inspiring us to work differently, build new programs, and forge new bonds within and beyond BU. He supported Graham as only a peer can, as he guided the trajectory of a brand new Initiative. Tony was also one of the most active members of our Faculty Advisory Board, always eager to attend meetings and contribute new ideas, and an ally in many significant convenings over the years.

Tony’s help and friendship went far beyond this official role, however. He was a relationship guy – welcoming, warm, patient, and generous with his time. Whenever we encountered him on Bay State Road or stopped by his office to chat, he was ready with a smile, a good suggestion, and a humorous comment. Those who knew him couldn’t help but befriend him.

We offer our condolences to Tony’s family, friends, and colleagues in the Pardee Center and across the University. His legacy will endure in all of us. May we be inspired to make more time for one another, to share a laugh, and to offer a word of encouragement, as he always did for us.

Katharine Lusk & Graham Wilson
Co-Directors, Boston University Initiative on Cities