BONUS! The Sounds of Boston and Beyond: Soundwalk

  • Starts9:45 am on Tuesday, September 10, 2019
  • Ends11:45 am on Tuesday, September 10, 2019
Daniel Steele will host a soundwalk on the morning of the seminar, September 10. It will depart from the Symphony Hall and end at the Initiative on Cities (75 Bay State Rd.) in time for the seminar. The soundwalk is primarily an active listening activity. However, it will also feature approximately a dozen points of interest with different sound environments. At each point, some relevant acoustics principles and current research will be presented appropriate to the context. During our sound walk, we will use the NoiseScore Research App*, which will allow you to measure sound levels, rate your perception of them, and visualize your results in real-time.

No expertise in sound is required to participate in this event. The walk will be approximately 2 miles outdoors. Please wear appropriate attire. Please make sure to inform us of any special accommodations you may require.

Please arrive at the Symphony Hall at 9:45 am sharp, as it may not be possible to join the group once they have departed. The soundwalk will be followed by an urban seminar, The Sounds of Boston and Beyond: Hearing the Sonic Dimension of Cities, featuring Erica Walker, Daniel Steele, and Edda Bild. Lunch will be served. Please register here:
Symphony Hall

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