Maxwell Palmer

Associate Professor of Political Science; Director of Advanced Programs, College of Arts & Sciences

PhD, Harvard University
AM, Harvard University
AB, Bowdoin College

Maxwell Palmer is an Associate Professor in the Department of Political Science, the Director of Advanced Programs (BA/MA and Honors Programs), and a Junior Faculty Fellow at the Hariri Institute for Computing. He joined the department and Boston University in 2014, after receiving his Ph.D. in Political Science at Harvard University. His research and teaching interests include American political institutions, Congress, redistricting and election law, and local politics. His research has been published in journals including the American Political Science Review, the Journal of PoliticsPerspectives on Politics, and theJournal of Empirical Legal Studies. His current projects examine local politics of housing development, the revolving door between public office and private employment, and methods for analyzing redistricting plans. Palmer is also a co-principal investigator of the Menino Survey of Mayors.

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