Finding a Job On Campus

To find a job on campus, you will want to begin with the Student Employment Office. The SEO offers detailed listings of available positions through their Job Board as well as through Quickie Jobs.

Keep in mind that as an international student you may only work on campus in a job paid by Boston University. Some postings on the Quickie Jobs are for short-term off-campus jobs for which you may not qualify.

Research Assistants and Teaching Fellowships

Not all campus jobs are hired through the Student Employment Office.

If you were offered a Research Assistantship (RA) or Teaching Fellowship (TF) as part of your scholarship package, then this counts as an on-campus job, and is considered a 20-hour job. International students who have an RA or TF position [link] are not eligible to accept another on-campus job during regular semesters.

Resident Assistants, Orientation Leaders, and Student Leadership

Students who finish their freshman year will have the opportunity to apply for selective student leadership positions as Orientation Leaders, Community Service Coordinators, and Resident Assistants in the dormitories.

Information on these positions may be found directly on the websites for the Office of Orientation and the Office of Residence Life.