Omri Boehm on Avi Shavit’s Promised Land

About forty students attended this conversation with Omri Boehm to discuss the moment in Israel’s founding years when decisions of ethnic cleansing were made, sometimes on the spur of a moment, that led to the Palestinian refugee problem and enabled Israel to survive its war of independence and consolidate the territory allotted by the UN partition plan of 1947. Omri Boehm, an assistant professor of philosophy at the New School for Social Research who grew up in the Galilee walked us through Avi Shavit’s widely-acclaimed book, My Promised Land, offering his own take on what it might mean for Jews and Arabs to coexisted in Israel/Palestine. (The event took place April 2, 6pm, at CAS 326.)

Omri Boehm’s review of Ari Shavit’s book appeared in the LA Review of Books.