Holocaust and Genocide Studies Minor Launch

Dr. Deborah Lipstadt (Religion, Emory University) joined us on October 19 for a two-part event to celebrate the launch of Boston University’s new minor in Holocaust and Genocide Studies.

The afternoon began with a screening of the film Denial (2016) at the Coolidge Corner Theater. Based on Lipstadt’s book History on Trial: My Day in Court With A Holocaust Denier, the film depicts her five-year legal battle against David Irving, who accused her of libel for claiming that he was Holocaust denier and right-wing extremist. Because England’s legal system puts the burden of proof on the defendant, she found herself in the position of being required to prove that the Holocaust occurred. The theater was filled to capacity with students, faculty, staff and community members who were impressed with the production of the film and fascinated by the story of Lipstadt’s struggle against falsehood.


Later in the evening, Lipstadt offered a lecture in the George Sherman Union Auditorium to further share her experience and personal insights, including details about the trial, the book, and the production of the film. In her talk, she described the motivations behind the legal approaches used during the trial, such as the controversial decision of her legal team to rely upon expert witnesses rather than allowing victims to testify. She emphasized that, due to the gravity of the case, her priority was to win, because to lose would risk setting a troubling legal and historical precedent. Lipstadt’s lecture was followed by a lively question and answer session and a discussion that continued at the reception afterwards. The day’s events served as the perfect way to welcome the new minor to Boston University by allowing participants to reflect on questions of justice and history in the context of genocide.