Vol 23.1 – Winter 2017


Solving Ethical Puzzles to Unlock University Technology Transfer Client Work for an Intellectual Property Legal Clinic
by  Cynthia L. Dahl

Getting Inside the Employee’s Head: Neuroscience, Negligent Employment Liability, and Push and Pull for New Technology
by Harvey L. Fiser and Patrick D. Hopkins

Now You See Me. Now You Still Do: Facial Recognition technology and the Growing Lack of Privacy
by Sharon Nakar and Dov Greenbaum

Mobile Internet Access: Technology, Competition, and Jurisdiction
by Julia K. Tanner


By a Scintilla of Evidence: the Issue Involved in the Admissibility of Low Copy
by Thomas Craig

Patentable Software: Analyzing Alice Under a Law-and-Economics Framework and Proposing a New Approach to Software Claims
by Christian R. Ruiz