About the Journal

Founded in 1875, the Journal of Education at Boston University Wheelock College of Education & Human Development is the oldest continuously published educational journal in the United States.

During its long history, the journal has published the work of  Michael Apple, Burton Blatt, Carol Chomsky, Eleanor Duckworth, Donald Durrell, Paulo Freire, Maxine Greene, Jonathon Kozol, Alfie Kohn, John Silber, and Elie Wiesel.

In 2009, the Journal of Education became a scholarly peer-reviewed, publication, with an Editorial Review Board comprised of eminent scholars. Consistent with the larger mission of Wheelock, the journal is dedicated to knowledge in the service of practice, with a focus on scholarship that informs practice, and on the ways practice provides direction to scholarship. In addition to these substantive changes, the journal is now published in a full-page format.

One hundred and thirty-five years in publication, the first volume of the new decade features the work of  Linda Darling-Hammond, Donald Deshler, Nell Duke, Thomas Hehir, P. David Pearson, Robert Pinsky, Michael Pressley, Lori Shepard, Lee Shulman, Catherine Snow, Keith Stanovich, and Dorothy Strickland.

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