The Yitzhak Rabin Memorial Lecture

“Security and Democracy Today: An Israeli Perspective”
Amichai Ayalon

Former Israeli intelligence chief and member of the Knesset Amichai “Ami” Ayalon will deliver our annual Yitzhak Rabin Lecture. Surveying this year’s events in the Middle East, Mr. Ayalon will focus on the recent military operation in Gaza, its implications for Israeli democracy and for Israel’s international standing. Joseph Wippl, Professor of the Practice of International Relations, will introduce Ami Ayalon. Yehuda Yaakov, Consul General of Israel to New England, will speak about the legacy of Yitzhak Rabin. The 2014 Yitzhak Rabin Memorial Lecture is generously supported by Jonathan Krivine (CAS ’72). Reception to follow.

Click here to view the poster for this event.

Tuesday, October 28, 2014 at 7 pm
George Sherman Union, Conference Auditorium
775 Commonwealth Avenue, Second Floor
Boston, MA 02215