Scientist Profile – Professor Steve Ramirez
The Ramirez Group, led by Professor Steve Ramirez, investigates how we process and retrieve memories as well as how those memories might be artificially modulated to treat mental health disorders...
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The Ramirez Group, led by Professor Steve Ramirez, investigates how we process and retrieve memories as well as how those memories might be artificially modulated to treat mental health disorders...
Yutong Li, a PhD student working at the Boston University neuroscience lab of Professor Joseph McGuire, decided to take a short walking break from her work. Curious what her neighbors might be up to...
The Cognition & Decision Lab, led by Professor Joseph McGuire (CNC, CSN), studies the cognitive and neural processes that facilitate human decision making, especially in challenging situations that involve delay, uncertainty, or volatility, or those that seem to demand self-control.
Investigating how the dynamics of visual attention shape perception Rachel Denison, Ph.D. – Assistant Professor of Psychological & Brain Sciences The Denison Lab studies visual perception, attention, and decision-making—with a focus on temporal dynamics—to understand how the human brain generates our ongoing perceptual experience. Professor Rachel Denison (Cognitive Neuroimaging Center, Center for Systems Neuroscience) talked […]
PhD student Quan Do, while working at the Hasselmo Lab at the Rajen Kilachand Center, carefully inserted a fiber optic cannula into the brain of a rat to provide laser stimulation to a precise neural region. The cannula, unfortunately, missed the target area—and yet, the image that Do captured of this failed attempt was, he […]
Investigating and advancing the medical applications of synthetic biology Wilson Wong, Ph.D. - Associate Professor of Biomedical Engineering The Wong Lab has built a design-driven research program in synthetic biology to develop innovative technologies for therapeutics and diagnostics that will help combat maladies like autoimmune disease and cancer. Professor Wilson Wong (Biological Design Center) talked […]
The Fuxman Bass Lab studies how viruses and their human hosts can regulate each other’s genes Juan Fuxman Bass, Ph.D. - Associate Professor of Biology The Fuxman Bass Lab aims to uncover new insights into gene regulation by studying how viruses impact the activation of genes in their human host—and how the host, in turn, […]
The Stangl Lab studies the neural basis of human cognition and behavior using a variety of neuroimaging techniques, several of which his lab has pioneered.