Indigenous History, Languages & Cultures Week 2022

Nación Mapuche Participants

Viviana Ayilef is a Professor and holds a Bachelor of Arts from the Universidad Nacional de la Patagonia San Juan Bosco, where she teaches Contemporary Aesthetics, Literary Research Methodology and Introduction to Literary Studies. Her poems were published in Antología Desorbitados: Latest Poets of the South of Argentina (National Fund for the Arts. Ministry of Culture of the Presidency of the Nation. Selection: Cristian Aliaga. 2009).

Jorge Spíndola Cárdenas is a poet and professor of the literatures of Argentina and Latin America at the National University of Patagonia (UNPSJB) and at ISFD 807, of C. Rivadavia. He is Co-director of the Center for the Study of Patagonian and Andean Languages ​​and Literatures (CELLPA-UNPSJB). He studies contemporary and traditional Mapuche poetry, its contexts of production and reception, and the political rearticulation of Mapuche memories and knowledge inscribed in them.

Bernardo Colipan Filgueira is a professor of History and Geography. A poet, he is a promoter and researcher of Maphuche-Williche society and culture.

Vanesa Gallardo Llancaqueo is an Argentinian teacher of the Mapuche community in Bariloche and co-designer of the first published game in Mapuzugun. Member of the Tükulpan- Intercultural Collective, she has been a part of various political, cultural and artistic activism organizations for the vindication of the rights of the Mapuche People.

Anahi Rayen Mariluan is a singer, Mapuche musician and composer of songs in Mapuzungun.

Adrián Moyano is a journalist and writer living in Bariloche (Argentina) since 1991. Since 1999 he has been an editor for El Cordillerano and a contributor to other publications, as well as a radio columnist. In 2002 he devised and coordinated the recording of “Feley”, a record of traditional Mapuche music.

Melisa Stocco is a CONICET researcher at the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, National University of Patagonia, a researcher at the Center for the Study of Patagonian and Andean Languages ​​and Literatures (CELLPA-UNPSJB), and Associate Member of the Center for Comparative Literature at UNCuyo. Her central research topic is self-translation in contemporary Mapuche literature.

Other Participants

Charles Bicalho from the university of the State of Minas Gerais (UEMG) and Pajé Filmes, will look at the modern media production of the Maxakali indigenous people in the Brazilian State of Minas Gerais in the Southeast of the country, with a special focus on the portfolio of the production company Pajé Filmes. 

Edson Kayapó belongs to the Mebengokré people in Brazil. Born in the state of Amapa-Amazonia, he is an indigenous and environmental activist and researcher. He received his doctoral degree in education from the University of São Paulo and a post-doctoral degree in literature from the Federal University of São Carlos – UFSCar. He is an accredited professor in the postgraduate program in Teaching and Ethnic-Racial Relations at the Federal University of Southern Bahia.

Daniel Munduruku was born in Belém do Pará, Brazil, and belongs to the Munduruku people. He is a professor, writer, and author of more than 54 literary works published in Brazil and abroad, most of them classified as children’s and pedagogical literature.

Eliane Potiguara is president and founder of the Indigenous Women’s Educational Group (GRUMIN) in Brazil. A Potiguara Indian, she took part in the Intertribal Committee for 500 Years of Resistance during the International Indigenous Peoples Conference at the 1992 Earth Summit in Rio. She is a director and member of the International Indigenous Treaty Council. GRUMIN, which is mainly a Potiguara organization, seeks to pass on its experiences to all indigenous women.