A Celebration of the Work of Wendy Gordon

Friday, June 14th
Boston University School of Law
765 Commonwealth Avenue
Room 101

A Cover Note from Wendy

Workshop Schedule

(Thursday night dinner for early arrivals at Eastern Standard in the Hotel Commonwealth, 7PM)

8:15am     Continental Breakfast (BU Law Atrium)

8:50am     Welcome (Room 101) Stacey Dogan, Boston University School of Law

9:00am     Intellectual Property Harms by Jessica Silbey, Northeastern University School of Law
Commentary by Mike Meurer, Boston University School of Law

(Accompanying Book Synopsis: Against Progress: Intellectual Property and Fundamental Values in the Internet Age)

9:40pm     Copyright Jumps the Shark: The Music Modernization Act by Lydia Loren, Lewis & Clark Law School
Commentary by Greg Vetter, The University of Houston Law Center

10:20am   Traditional Knowledge in the Image of Private Law by Ruth Okediji, Harvard Law School
Commentary by Harold Feld, Public Knowledge

11:00am    Break (BU Law Atrium)                                                                  

11:10am    Harmless Free Riding by Wendy Gordon, Boston University School of Law
Commentary by Rochelle Dreyfuss, NYU School of Law & Fred Yen, Boston College Law School

(Additional related drafts from Wendy: Time and Intellectual Property After Coase and Proximate Cause in the Law of Copyright: Linking Liability to Incentives)

12:00pm   Acquired Functionality by Pam SamuelsonBerkeley Law
Commentary by Rebecca Tushnet, Harvard Law School

12:40pm    Lunch Charles River Room, 5th Floor

1:15pm      Death in Copyright: Remarks on Duration by Abraham DrassinowerUniversity of Toronto Faculty of Law
Commentary by Paul Gugliuzza, Boston University School of Law

1:55pm     The Restitutionary Impulse and IP “Origin Stories” by Rob Merges, Berkeley Law
Commentary by Bob Bone, University of Texas at Austin School of Law

2:35pm     Break (BU Law Atrium)                                                                  

2:45pm     Common Law Conceptualism in Intellectual Property by Shyam Balganesh, University of Pennsylvania Law School
Commentary by Talha Syed, Berkeley Law

3:25pm     Copyright Practitioners and Copyright Scholars by Jessica Litman, University of Michigan Law School
Commentary by Justin Hughes, Loyola Law School, Los Angeles

4:05pm     Break (BU Law Atrium)                                                                  

4:15pm     A Natural Right to Copyby Glynn Lunney, Texas A&M University School of Law
Commentary by Richard Stallman, Free Software Foundation

4:55pm     Unfair Use as Market Failure by Ariel Katz, University of Toronto Faculty of Law
Commentary by Chris Sprigman, NYU School of Law