A Celebration of the Work of Wendy Gordon
Friday, June 14th
Boston University School of Law
765 Commonwealth Avenue
Room 101
Workshop Schedule
(Thursday night dinner for early arrivals at Eastern Standard in the Hotel Commonwealth, 7PM)
8:15am Continental Breakfast (BU Law Atrium)
8:50am Welcome (Room 101) Stacey Dogan, Boston University School of Law
9:00am Intellectual Property Harms by Jessica Silbey, Northeastern University School of Law
Commentary by Mike Meurer, Boston University School of Law
(Accompanying Book Synopsis: Against Progress: Intellectual Property and Fundamental Values in the Internet Age)
9:40pm Copyright Jumps the Shark: The Music Modernization Act by Lydia Loren, Lewis & Clark Law School
Commentary by Greg Vetter, The University of Houston Law Center
10:20am Traditional Knowledge in the Image of Private Law by Ruth Okediji, Harvard Law School
Commentary by Harold Feld, Public Knowledge
11:00am Break (BU Law Atrium)
11:10am Harmless Free Riding by Wendy Gordon, Boston University School of Law
Commentary by Rochelle Dreyfuss, NYU School of Law & Fred Yen, Boston College Law School
(Additional related drafts from Wendy: Time and Intellectual Property After Coase and Proximate Cause in the Law of Copyright: Linking Liability to Incentives)
12:00pm Acquired Functionality by Pam Samuelson, Berkeley Law
Commentary by Rebecca Tushnet, Harvard Law School
12:40pm Lunch Charles River Room, 5th Floor
1:15pm Death in Copyright: Remarks on Duration by Abraham Drassinower, University of Toronto Faculty of Law
Commentary by Paul Gugliuzza, Boston University School of Law
1:55pm The Restitutionary Impulse and IP “Origin Stories” by Rob Merges, Berkeley Law
Commentary by Bob Bone, University of Texas at Austin School of Law
2:35pm Break (BU Law Atrium)
2:45pm Common Law Conceptualism in Intellectual Property by Shyam Balganesh, University of Pennsylvania Law School
Commentary by Talha Syed, Berkeley Law
3:25pm Copyright Practitioners and Copyright Scholars by Jessica Litman, University of Michigan Law School
Commentary by Justin Hughes, Loyola Law School, Los Angeles
4:05pm Break (BU Law Atrium)
4:15pm A Natural Right to Copyby Glynn Lunney, Texas A&M University School of Law
Commentary by Richard Stallman, Free Software Foundation
4:55pm Unfair Use as Market Failure by Ariel Katz, University of Toronto Faculty of Law
Commentary by Chris Sprigman, NYU School of Law