Group Study Rooms

Making a Reservation

  1. Visit or scan the QR code located outside any study room.
  2. In the “Search Spaces” bar select “Fineman & Pappas Law Libraries.”
  3. Search by “Time” to find a list of all the rooms available at your desired date/time or search by “Space” to see the availability for a specific room.
    1. By Time
      1. Select your preferred capacity of your room. No preference? Select All Spaces.
      2. Select the date and start and end time of your reservation. Note: Your reservation cannot exceed 2 hours.
      3. Looking for a room on a specific floor? Click the “Show more filtering options” to sort by Zone and select your desired floor.
      4. Once you’ve selected all your desired information, click Search to generate a list of available rooms meeting your criteria.
      5. When you’ve found the room you want, click “Book Now.”
    2. By Space
      1. In the “Seat/Space/Name” field type the room number of your space (e.g. 317)
      2. Click on the icon associated with the room.
      3. Navigate to your desired date.
      4. Select the start time of your desired reservation and then use the drop-down menu to select the end of your reservation (Note: reservation cannot exceed 2 hours).
      5. When you’ve set your desired reservation time, click “Submit Times”).
  4. Sign in with your BU username and password. Please note: only current members of the law community are eligible to reserve group study rooms.
  5. Once signed in, add the names of everyone involved on your reservation and then click submit booking.
  6. Check your email for confirmation of your booking and remember to bring your BU ID so you can swipe in to access your reserved study space.

Need help?

  • For assistance with reservations, please call (617) 353-3151 or use the Ask Us Form.
  • For facilities emergencies including spills, damage, or issues with card swipe please call Buildings & Grounds at (617) 353-2105.
  • If locked out of a group study room within the law library, see the circulation desk.
  • To report issues with how the room is being used, including unauthorized users, please contact Student Affairs.

Group Study Room Materials

Need materials for the white board in a group discussion room? The library stocks all group study rooms on the Mezzanine, 2nd floor and 3rd floor with white board supplies. White board kits (3 dry erase markers, 1 eraser, and 1 bottle of whiteboard cleaning solution) are also available for loan at the Fineman Circulation Desk.