Financial Planning

Dealing with your financial life can seem overwhelming at times—even if you’re not borrowing student loans. Hopefully, the information in this section will be a resource to help reduce some of the stresses that result from common frustrations and problems or spark an idea to help keep on top of your finances.

A good portion of the stress that people feel about money (apart from not having enough) is the feeling of not knowing how to manage their money or not knowing where their money is going.

Adjusting the Student Budget

The student budget provides an allowance for living expenses that should help the majority of students pays their basic costs. We appreciate that this will not apply to every student, so there are certain types of expenses that may be adjusted.

Community Resources

Sometimes students need to access resources beyond financial aid. This page includes links to a variety of BU and non-BU organizations that may be able to assist students with needs related to food, clothing, healthcare and housing.  Several links are to offices within BU that provide services and support to students – and a more extensive list of this type of resource.

MAX by AccessLex

BU Law has partnered with AccessLex to offer a financial literacy program designed for law students with a specific curriculum for each year of law school. MAX offers personal finance information through online webinars, a podcast, on-campus programs, and individual counseling.

To help incentivize student participation, AccessLex awards over $300,000 in scholarships through drawings during the academic year.

Why MAX?

The Law Financial Aid Office carefully vets the organizations that we choose to work with when providing this type of service to our students. There is no sales pitch – AccessLex is not selling anything – it is free to students and schools.

To Get Started:

Go to Your name, email address, school and class year are all you need to log-in to the program, personalize your experience and track your progress. No other personal information is required, and all information remains confidential.

Smart Money 101

Smart Money 101 is a BU Financial Assistance initiative established to provide the Boston University community with online tools, information, and other resources to promote effective money management. Note: Some information may be specific to undergraduate students.

Personal Finance – the basics