Labor Law


Labor law structures the process through which workers organize and engage collectively, rather than individually, with their employers. This course will cover the basics of private sector labor law in the United States. We will study the National Labor Relations Act and the processes of union organizing and collective bargaining that the NLRA establishes. We will also consider historical perspectives on labor law, issues particular to public sector unions, union participation in the political process, the “right to work,” and the ability of non-unionized workers to engage in concerted action. Finally, through the lens of labor law, the course will tackle issues of statutory interpretation, administrative law, and constitutional law. The materials are not intended to cover the legal rights of individual employees outside of the NLRA. Students interested in in-depth treatment of those topics are encouraged to take Employment Law and/or Employment Discrimination instead of or in addition to this class. To enroll in this class, students must have completed Contract Law, Tort Law, and Constitutional Law.
Spring 2025: LAW JD 851 , Jan 13th to Apr 23rd 2025
A13Tue,Thu10:45 am - 12:10 pm