

This course will give you an introduction to copyright, including a foundation in the theories underlying copyright law, an understanding of the current contours of copyright protection, the basic elements of proving infringement, the fair use defense to and remedies for infringement, and familiarity with related forms of liability such as contributory and vicarious liability. Each class meeting will consist of a combination of lecture and class discussion. Our discussions will focus on discussion of the reading – including cases and policies – and applying the reading to new scenarios. We'll work through hypotheticals based on real-world examples and explore scenarios that will require you to think from a variety of different perspectives. Grading will be based on class participation, including problem sets and hypotheticals worked on in groups, and a 3-hour, closed book, final exam.
Fall 2024: LAW JD 929 , Sep 3rd to Dec 5th 2024
A1Jessica Silbey3Tue,Thu11:00 am - 12:25 pmLAW414