Access to Justice Clinic

In the Access to Justice Clinic (A2J), students actively analyze and address the intersections of the legal system with the multiple systemic barriers faced by their clients living in poverty. In A2J’s innovative model, students tackle how identity, justice, and the legal system intersect through working on both individual client representation and systems change projects. Students represent poverty law clients of Greater Boston Legal Services (GBLS) in civil litigation matters in the first semester. Their client representation experience then informs their second semester work on systems-change projects in partnership with local and national organizations.

This full-year, 12-credit clinic combines hands-on litigation and project experience with classroom instruction. Each semester, three credits are allocated to fieldwork and three credits to coursework. Students work closely with the Clinic Director with whom they meet regularly throughout the year.



Pre/co requisites: Students must take or be enrolled in Professional Responsibility and Evidence.


Student Testimonials