The Record, spring 2021 issue cover: An illustration of 4 people from different backgrounds and walks of life sit around a leaf-shaped board table with a panda, who wears a business suit

Corporate America Rethinks Its Purpose

In This Issue

  • Alumni

    Toward Equal Justice

    Shubi Deoras on expanding access to civil justice for low-income and disadvantaged people.

  • Woman with money illustration
    Gender and Law

    Closing the Wage Gap

    James Bessen’s research into salary history bans is driving change for job seekers

  • Cover of the first edition of To Kill a Mockingbird, by Harper Lee
    From the Dean

    Books That Inspire

    Dean Angela Onwuachi-Willig on the books that have impacted her life.

  • Books

    Unearthing Women’s Stories

    In her best-selling historical novels, Heather Benedict Terrell writes the “origin stories” of overlooked women.

  • Corporate Law

    ESG in Practice

    Environmental, social, and governance focus brings David Curran (’86) full circle in his legal career.

More Stories


Politically Inclined

Two BU Law grads lead successful grassroots organizations while Professor Robert Tsai proposes system reforms.

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