Anne “Beau” Kealy

Beau Kealy


BA, Trinity College
JD, American University, Washington College of Law
MS, American University, Washington College of Law


Beau Kealy (she/her) co-developed and established the Mental Health Litigation Practicum at BU Law in the Fall of 2023 along with BU Law alum, Kristin Lummus, her colleague at the Committee for Public Counsel Services (CPCS), Mental Health Litigation Division (MHLD). She is delighted to welcome Rachel Rosenberg to join her this Spring semester to co-teach.

Beau is currently the Director of Training at CPCS/MHLD. As part of the CPCS Training Department, she develops and manages various training opportunities for the private bar and staff attorneys. Beau’s unit specifically trains private bar attorneys to represent clients in civil commitment and adult guardianship proceedings through initial certification programs and manages CLE programs for private attorneys and CPCS staff counsel. She works collaboratively and holistically across practice areas to support and train staff and private counsel to zealously defend clients with a trauma-informed and client-centered approach. Prior to becoming Training Director in April, 2023, Beau was the first MHLD Legal Training Attorney, Staff Counsel in the MHLD Trial Support & Oversight Unit, and a Trial Attorney in the Roxbury Commitment Unit representing clients in involuntary commitment and authorization to treat proceedings and in appellate proceedings.  Beau began her time at CPCS in 2006 as a Trial Attorney in the Public Defender Division, Boston Trial office, and later served as a panel attorney for the CPCS Post-Conviction and Appellate panel handling criminal appeals for over 8 years. Before moving to Massachusetts, she clerked for the Honorable Michael D. Mason, Circuit Court of Montgomery County, Maryland and worked at a litigation firm representing criminal clients in the state and federal courts of Maryland, Virginia, and the District of Columbia. A member of the MBA Civil Rights & Social Justice Section Council since 2018, Beau received her JD/MS in Criminal Justice from American University, Washington College of Law.

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