Chris Conley

Chris Conley

Lecturer and Clinical Instructor, BU/MIT Student Innovations Law Clinic

BSE, The University of Michigan
JD, Harvard Law School


Christopher Conley has been working at BU Law for over two years as a clinical associate professor, and is now a lecturer and clinical instructor of the BU/MIT Student Innovations Law Clinic. Prior to joining BU, Conley spent over a decade as a technology policy attorney with the ACLU of Northern California, where he engaged in legislative advocacy, litigation, and public education on issues including privacy, surveillance, and free expression and their intersection with emerging technology. Conley has also been engaged as a consultant by the Brennan Center for Justice at NYU and Amnesty International USA. Before pursuing a legal career, he was a software developer and electrical engineer with employers ranging from Intel to New York City Center, an off-Broadway theater. Conley holds a JD from Harvard Law School, where he was editor-in-chief of the Harvard Journal of Law & Technology and after graduating, he was a student fellow at the Berkman-Klein Center for Internet & Society. Conley also earned an SM in Computer Science from MIT and a BSE in Electrical Engineering from the University of Michigan. 


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  • National Telecommunications and Information Administration: Comments from Researchers at Boston University and the University of Chicago Boston University School of Law Research Paper Series (2023)
    Scholarly Commons
  • Chris Conley, Matthew Cagle, Peter Bibring, Jessica Farris, Linda Lye, Mitra Ebadolahi & Nicole Ozer, Making Smart Decisions About Surveillance: A Guide for Communities (2014)
    Scholarly Commons
  • Chris Conley, Metadata: Piecing Together a Privacy Solution (2014)
    Scholarly Commons
  • Chris Conley, Nicole Ozer, Hari O'Connell, Ellen Ginsburg & Tamar Gubins, Location-Based Services: Time for a Privacy Check-In (2010)
    Scholarly Commons
  • Nicole Ozer & Chris Conley, Cloud Computing: Storm Warning for Privacy? (2010)
    Scholarly Commons

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