Ira Gant



Ira Gant teaches the Wrongful Convictions Practicum. He is also the Forensic Services Director at the Committee for Public Counsel Services, Massachusetts’ public defender agency. He litigates cases and provides litigation support, training, and amicus support to attorneys handling criminal, juvenile, mental health commitment, and care and protection cases. He is appointed to the state Forensic Science Oversight Board, has taught trainings and guest lectured on various topics in criminal law, forensics, and the intersection of science and the law, and has authored multiple chapters on forensics in CLE publications. Mr. Gant was previously a member of the Mass. Bar Association’s Conviction Integrity Working Group, a member of a multi-agency working group focused on evidence storage and handling, and sat on various amicus committees and groups focused on complex DNA litigation. Previously, Mr. Gant has served as staff counsel at CPCS’s Innocence Program, a trial attorney in CPCS’s Public Defender Division, and a trial attorney in the CPCS office that litigates lifetime civil commitments. He is a graduate of the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill and Northeastern University School of Law. 

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