Michael S. Baram

Michael S. Baram

Professor of Law Emeritus

BS, Tufts University
LLB, Columbia University


Michael Baram is Professor of Law Emeritus at Boston University School of Law where he had served as Professor of Law and Director of the Center for Law & Technology, and held faculty appointments in the BU School of Public Health (Health Law Division) and BU Bioinformatics Department. He is also a Legal Volunteer at the Conservation Law Foundation. He was previously a partner in the Boston environmental law firm of Bracken and Baram for 30 years, and a Professor of Civil and Environmental Engineering and Assistant Dean of the Graduate School  at MIT.

His areas of specialization are Environmental Law, Occupational Health Law, Biotechnology Law and Ethics, Corporate Risk Management, Products Liability, Regulation of Hazardous Technologies, and Safety Management Systems.

He has provided consulting and legal services to numerous public and private organizations including: the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Department of Energy, and Federal Emergency Management Agency; the United Nations, the World Health Organization, the OECD, the European Union, the Geneva Association, the World Resources Institute, the American Petroleum Institute, the Chemical Manufacturers Association, the Administrative Conference of the U.S., the Congressional Office of Technology Assessment, the states of Massachusetts, Connecticut, and California, Tufts University, Clark University, University of Stavanger/Norwegian Research Council, and various corporations. He has also been Visiting Professor at the Technical University of Berlin, a lecturer at Carnegie-Mellon University and Clark University, and is a Fellow of the Society for Risk Analysis.

He has served on numerous expert committees and boards including: National Academy of Sciences Committees (on Ionizing Radiation (“BEIR II”), Radioactive Waste Management, EPA Decision-making, and Wastewater and Sludge Management); the EPA Toxic Substances Advisory Committee; the OSHA Construction Safety and Health Advisory Committee; Massachusetts Advisory Committees (on Low Level Rad Waste, Right to Know Law, and Water Supply); the American Bar Association Environmental Law Committee (Chairman); the Chemical Education Foundation Board of Trustees; US Delegation to the OECD on Chemical Industry Safety Hazards; Northeast Business Environmental Network Board of Directors; Wharton Risk Management Center Advisory Board; New Technologies and Work Core Group; Berkeley Deepwater Horizon Study Group; and other committees at the Congressional Office of Technology Assessment, US Department of Energy, MIT (Nuclear Engineering Department), Boston University (Center for Energy and Environmental Studies), Harvard (Law & Technology Society); and journal editorial  boards of the American Society of Law and Medicine, the National Association of Environmental Professionals, the Society for Risk Analysis, BU and Harvard Law Schools (journals of  law & technology); and the Journal of  BioLaw and Business.

His publications include eight books: Governing Risk in GM Agriculture (2010), Safety Management (1998), Managing Chemical Risks (1992), Transnational Corporations and Industrial Hazards Disclosure (1991), Corporate Disclosure of Environmental Risks:  US and EC Law (1990), Alternatives to Regulation for Managing Risks to Health, Safety, Environment (1982), Environmental Law and the Siting of Facilities (1976), and Marine Mining: Legal, Technical and Environmental Considerations (1978). Several reports have also been published by the Congressional Office of Technology Assessment, the Administrative Conference of the U.S., the European Union, and the National Academy of Sciences. He has authored over 110 articles and chapters in legal, professional and academic journals, books and other media (e.g. in Science, The New York Times, Environmental Health Perspectives, Safety Science Journal).

Profile Types
Faculty and Professors Emeritus


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  • Michael S. Baram, A New Social Contract for Governing Industrial Risk in the Community 56 Jurimetrics (2016)
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  • Michael S. Baram, International Workshop on Liability and Insurance and their Influence on Safety Management of Industrial Operations and Products 17 Journal of Risk Research (2014)
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  • Michael S. Baram, Preben Hempel Lindøe & John Paterson, Robust Offshore Risk Regulation - an Assessment of US, UK and Norwegian Approaches, in Innovative Governance Models for Emerging Technologies (Gary E. Marchant, Kenneth W. Abbott and Braden Allenby,2013)
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  • Michael S. Baram, Ortwin Renn & Preben Hempel Lindøe, Risk Governance of Offshore Oil and Gas Operations (2013)
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  • Michael S. Baram, Preben Lindøe & Geir Sverre Braut, Risk Regulation and Proceduralization: An Assessment of Norwegian and US Risk Regulation in Offshore Oil and Gas Industry Trapping Safety into Rules: How Desirable or Avoidable is Proceduralization? (2013)
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  • Michael S. Baram, Preben Lindøe & Geir Sverre Braut, Empowered Agents or Empowered Agencies: Assessing the Risk Regulatory Regimes in the Norwegian and US Offshore Oil and Gas Industry, in Advances in Safety, Reliability and Risk Management: ESREL 2011 (2011)
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  • Michael S. Baram, Final Report on the Investigation of the Macondo Well Blowout (2011)
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  • Michael S. Baram & Mathilde Bourrier, Governing Risk in GM Agriculture (2010)
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  • Michael S. Baram, Self Regulation and Safety Management, September 7-10, 2010 WorkingOnSafety.net 2010 Conference (2010)
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  • Michael S. Baram, Biotechnological Research on the Most Dangerous Pathogens: Challenges for Risk Governance and Safety Management 47 Safety Science (2009)
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  • Michael S. Baram, Globalization and Workplace Hazards in Developing Nations 47 Safety Science (2009)
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  • Michael S. Baram, Governing Technological Risks, in The Ethics of Technological Risk (Lotte Asveld and Sabine Roeser,2008)
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  • Michael S. Baram, Alternatives to Prescriptive Regulation of Workplace Health and Safety 11 Safety Science Monitor (2007)
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  • Michael S. Baram, Liability and its Influence on Designing for Product and Process Safety 45 Safety Science (2007)
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  • Michael S. Baram, Ben Ale & Barry Kirwan, Risk Management 10 Safety Science Monitor (2006)
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  • Michael S. Baram, Foreword, in Research Handbook on Corporate Legal Responsibility (Stephen Tully,2005)
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  • Michael S. Baram, Safety Culture for the Decommissioning Process, in Emerging Demands for the Safety of Nuclear Power Operations: Challenge and Response (Naosuke Itoigawa, Babette Fahlbruch, and Bernhard Wilpert,2004)
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  • Michael S. Baram, Biotechnology and Social Control, in Changing Regulation: Controlling Risks in Society (2002)
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  • Michael S. Baram, Improving Corporate Management of Risks to Health, Safety and Environment, in System Safety: Challenges and Pitfalls of Intervention (2002)
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  • Michael S. Baram, The Hormesis Challenge for Environmental Health Regulators 20 Human & Experimental Toxicology (2001)
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  • Michael S. Baram, Making Clinical Trials Safer for Human Subjects 27 American Journal of Law & Medicine (2001)
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  • Michael S. Baram, Genetic Testing for Susceptability to Disease from Exposure to Toxic Chemicals: Implications for Public and Worker Health Policies 41 Jurimetrics (2001)
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  • Michael S. Baram, An Alewife Primer: Can This Urban Wilderness Be Saved? Report 2000 (2000)
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  • Michael S. Baram, Ronald A. Cass, Steven Bauer, Joyce Wong, Martin Yarmush, Joshua Tolkoff & Rufus King, Symposium: Advances in Biomaterials and Devices, and Their Financing, 6 Boston University Journal of Science & Technology Law (2000)
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  • Michael S. Baram, Ashley Stevens, Thomas Meyers & Michael J. Meurer, Symposium: Patent Rights and Licensing 6 Boston University Journal of Science & Technology Law (2000)
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  • Michael S. Baram, Ellen Flannery, Patricia Davis & Gary Marchant, Symposium: Regulatory and Liability Considerations 6 Boston University Journal of Science & Technology Law (2000)
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  • Michael S. Baram, Medical Error and Responsibility in Managed Healthcare, in Safety in Medicine (Charles Vincent and Bas De Mol,2000)
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  • Michael S. Baram & Andrew R. Hale, Safety Management: the Challenge of Change (1998)
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  • Michael S. Baram, Calestuous Juma, Sheldon Krimsky & Rufus King, Transgenic Agriculture: Biosafety and International Trade 4 Boston University Journal of Science & Technology Law (1998)
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  • Michael S. Baram & D Dana, EMF and Liability Claims Under California Law, in EMF Risk Communication (1998)
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  • Michael S. Baram, Electromagnetic Fields: Health Risks and Environmental Justice 19 Toxics Law Reporter (1998)
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  • Michael S. Baram, The Laws of Genetics 105 Environmental Health Perspectives (1997)
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  • Michael S. Baram, Marv Goldschmitt, Richard J. Testa & Thomas C. Siekman, Internet Entrepreneurs, New Traffic Patterns, and Policy Issues 3 Boston University Journal of Science & Technology Law (1997)
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  • Michael S. Baram, Shame, Blame and Liability: Why Safety Management Suffers Organizational Learning Disabilities, in After the Event: From Accident to Organisational Learning (1997)
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  • Michael S. Baram, Risky Business 104 Environmental Health Practices (1996)
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  • Michael S. Baram, LMO's: Treasure Chest or Pandora's Box 104 Environmental Health Perspectives (1996)
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  • Michael S. Baram, Generic Strategies for Protecting Worker Health and Safety: OSHA's General Duty Clause and Hazard Communication Standard, in Occupational Medicine: Law and the Workplace (1996)
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  • Michael S. Baram, Economic, Legal and Institutional Issues, in Use of Reclaimed Water and Sludge in Food Crop Production (1996)
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  • Michael S. Baram, Multinational Corporations, Private Codes, and Technology Transfer for Sustainable Development 24 Environmental Law (1994)
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  • Michael S. Baram, The New Environment for Protecting Corporate Information 25 Environment Reporter (1994)
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  • Michael S. Baram & Patricia S. Dillon, Corporate Management of Chemical Accident Risks, in Environmental Strategies for Industry: International Perspectives on Research Needs and Policy Implications (Kurt Fischer and Johan Schot,1993)
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  • Michael S. Baram, Industrial Technology, Chemical Accidents and Social Control, in Reliability and Safety in Hazardous Work Systems (1993)
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  • Michael S. Baram, Susan Proctor, Robert Andalman & Diderico Van Eyl, Human Gene Therapy: Technological Temptations and Social Control 7 The Genetic Resource (1993)
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  • Michael S. Baram, Corporate Risk Communication: New Challenges for Makers and Users of Toxic Chemicals 3 Pollution Prevention Review (1993)
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  • Michael S. Baram, Patricia S. Dillon & Betsy Ruffle, Managing Chemical Risks: Corporate Response to SARA Title III (1992)
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  • Michael S. Baram, The Use of Risk Assessment Evidence to Prove Increased Risk and Alternative Causation in Toxic Tort Litigation 41 Federation of Insurance & Corporate Counsel quarterly (1990)
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  • Michael S. Baram, Policy Initiatives for Improving Management of Chemical Accident Risks 3 HazMat World (1990)
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  • Michael S. Baram, A Legal Perspective on an Integrated Waste Management Strategy, in Integrating Insurance and Risk Management for Hazardous Wastes (Howard C Kunreuther and M.V. Rajeev Gowda,1990)
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  • Michael S. Baram & Daniel Partan, Corporate Disclosure of Environmental Risks: U.S. and European Law (1990)
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  • Michael S. Baram, Hospital Management of Medical Wastes: Legal Framework and Policy Issues, in Perspectives on Medical Waste: a report of the Nelson A. Rockefeller Institute of Government, State University of New York (Thomas R. Stewart, Terrence P. Curran, Martin de Alteriis, Jeryl L. Mumpower, and Laura L. Svitek,1989)
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  • Michael S. Baram, Corporate Risk Management and Risk Communication in the European Community and the United States 2 Harvard Journal of International Law and Technology (1989)
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  • Michael S. Baram, Risk Communication: Moving from Theory to Law to Practice, in Effective Risk Communication (Vincent T. COvello, David B. McCallum, and Maria T. Pavlova,1989)
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  • Michael S. Baram, Responsible Use of Expert Systems in Medicine: What Can We Learn From the Pharmaceutical Experience?, Symposium Record Policy Issues in Information and Communication Technologies in Medical Applications (1988)
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  • Michael S. Baram, Insurability of Hazardous Materials Activities 3 Statistical Science (1988)
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  • Michael S. Baram, Risk Communication Law and Implementation Issues in the United States and European Community 6 Boston University International Law Journal (1988)
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  • Michael S. Baram, L. A. Cox Jr. & P. F. Ricci, De Minimis Considerations in Health Risk Assessment 15 Journal of Hazardous Materials (1987)
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  • Michael S. Baram, Chemical Industry Hazards: Liability, Insurance and the Role of Risk Analysis, in Insuring and Managing Hazardous Risks (Paul R. Kleindorfer and Howard C. Kunreuther,1987)
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  • Michael S. Baram & Neal Smith, The Nuclear Regulatory Commission's Regulation of Radiation Hazards in the Workplace: Present Problems and New Approaches to Reproductive Health 13 Ecology Law Quarterly (1987)
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  • Michael S. Baram, Use of Comparative Risk Methods in Regulatory and Common Law 13 Columbia Journal of Environmental Law (1987)
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  • Michael S. Baram & Robert Field, Screening and Monitoring Data as Evidence in Legal Proceedings 28 Journal of Occupational Medicine (1986)
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  • Michael S. Baram, Chemical Industry Accidents, Liability, and Community Right to Know 76 American Journal of Public Health (1986)
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  • Michael S. Baram & J. Raymond Miyares, Alternatives to Government Regulation for the Management of Technological Risks 1 Risk Evaluation and Management. Contemporary Issues in Risk Analysis (1986)
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  • Michael S. Baram, Risk Communication and the Law 8 Environmental Professional (1986)
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  • Michael S. Baram & Product Health and Safety Committee American Industrial Hygiene Association, A Guide to Product Health and Safety and the Right to Know (1986)
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  • Michael S. Baram, The Role of Consent in Managing Airborne Health Risks to Workers, in To Breathe Freely: Risk, Consent, and Air (Mary Gibson,1985)
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  • Michael S. Baram & Robert Field, Law, Risk Management, and the Influence of the Psychological and Decision Sciences, in Environmental Impact Assessment, Technology Assessment, and Risk Analysis (1985)
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  • Michael S. Baram, Charting the Future Course for Corporate Management of Genetic and Other Health Risks, in Genetics and the Law III (1985)
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  • Michael S. Baram, Charting the Future Course for Corporate Management of Health Risks 74 American Journal of Public Health (1984)
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  • Michael S. Baram, The Right to Know and the Duty to Disclose Hazard Information 74 American Journal of Public Health (1984)
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  • Michael S. Baram & J. Raymond Miyares, Managing Flood Risk: Technical Uncertainty in the National Flood Insurance Program 7 Columbia Journal of Environmental Law (1982)
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  • Michael S. Baram & Kevin McAllister, Alternatives to Regulation: Managing Risks to Health, Safety and the Environment (1982)
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  • Michael S. Baram, The Use of Cost-Benefit Analysis in Regulatory Decision-Making is Proving Harmful to Public Health 363 Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences (1981)
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  • In Order to Have Water
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  • Michael S. Baram & J. Raymond Miyares, In Order to Have Water: Legal, Economic and Institutional Barriers to Water Reuse in Northern New England 17 New England Law Review (1981)
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  • Michael S. Baram, David Sandberg, Larry Dufault & Kevin McAllister, Managing Risks to Health, Safety and Environment by the Use of Alternatives to Regulation 16 New England Law Review (1980)
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  • Michael S. Baram, Richard B. Smith, Steve Breyer, Paul McAvoy, Roberta Karmel, Randy Thrower, Bill Kennedy & Peter Aranson, Symposium: Panel I: A Fresh Look at Federal Regulatory Strategies, 32 Administrative Law Review (1980)
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  • Michael S. Baram, An Inadequate Basis for Health, Safety, and Environmental Regulatory Decisionmaking 8 Ecology Law Quarterly (1980)
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  • Michael S. Baram, An Assessment of the Use of Cost-Benefit Analysis in Regulatory Agency Decision Making 20 IDEA: The Journal of Law and Technology (1979)
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  • Michael S. Baram, David Rice & William Lee, Marine Mining of the Continental Shelf: Legal, Technical, and Environmental Considerations (1978)
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  • Michael S. Baram, Medical Device Legislation and the Development and Diffusion of Health Technology, in Technology and the Quality of Health Care (1978)
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  • Michael S. Baram, Radiation from Nuclear Power Plants: The Need for Congressional Directives 14 Harvard Journal on Legislation (1977)
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  • Michael S. Baram, Legal and Regulatory Aspects of Ionizing Radiation Control (1977)
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  • Michael S. Baram, Manpower for Environmental Pollution (1977)
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  • Michael S. Baram, Regulation of Environmental Carcinogens 78 Technology Review (1976)
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  • Michael S. Baram, Introductory Remarks, 16 Jurimetrics (1976)
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  • Michael S. Baram, Environmental Decision-Making and Facilities Siting 102 Engineering Issues: Journal of Professional Activities (1976)
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  • Michael S. Baram, Environmental Law and the Siting of Facilities: Issues in Land Use and Coastal Zone Management (1976)
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  • Michael S. Baram, Some Regulatory Implications of Technology Assessment 16 Jurimetrics (1975)
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  • Michael S. Baram, State Energy Legislation and the Siting of Facilities, in The Northeastern States Confront the Energy Crisis: Papers of the Regional Response to the Energy Crisis, A Conference of Legislative Leaders from the Northeastern States (J P Rolison, Jr.,1975)
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  • Judith Kildow, John E. Huguenin & Michael S. Baram, Problems and Potentials of Recycling Wastes for Aquaculture (1974)
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  • Michael S. Baram, Confessions of a Register Addict 13 Columbia Journalism Review (1974)
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  • Michael S. Baram, Environmental Law and Construction Project Management 6 (1974)
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  • Michael S. Baram, Technology Assessment and Social Control 180 Science (1973)
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  • Michael S. Baram, Future Growth and Technology 32 The Humanist (1972)
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  • Michael S. Baram, The Legal and Regulatory Framework for Thermal Discharge from Nuclear Power Plants 2 Environmental Affairs (1972)
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  • Michael S. Baram, Social Control of Science and Technology 172 Science (1971)
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  • Michael S. Baram, Manpower for Environmental Action: A Proposal 73 Technology Review (1971)
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  • Michael S. Baram, The Social Control of Science and Technology 47 Denver Law Journal (1970)
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  • Michael S. Baram, Trade secrets: What price loyalty? 46 Harvard Business Review (1968)
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  • Michael S. Baram, Buy American 7 Boston College Industrial and Commercial Law Review (1966)
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