Tiffani Darden

Tiffani Darden

Visiting Professor of Law

JD, Tulane School of Law
LLM, Columbia School of Law


Tiffani Darden teaches and writes in the area of civil procedure, juvenile law, and equal protection. Her scholarship explores the impact of US Supreme Court standards and requirements for juvenile sentencing. She also thinks critically about the intersection between public education services and the juvenile justice system. Her latest project builds on work arguing for the retroactive application of Miller v. Alabama and analyzing the path towards a political voice for marginalized youth in our time of disruption.

Prof. Darden won the prestigious Lilly Teaching Fellowship at Michigan State University in the 2014 to 2015 academic year. She used this opportunity to rethink the best way to teach civil procedure to first year law students. The course applies the scholarship of teaching and learning to develop formative group assessments that reinforce doctrinal concepts through skills-based exercises. Prof. Darden has carried this expertise to the broader legal academic community through leadership in the New Law Teachers Section of the American Association of Law Schools.

Professor Darden obtained her law degree from Tulane School of Law and a masters in law (LLM) from Columbia School of Law, as a Harlan Fisk Scholar. Prof. Darden clerked for the Honorable Carl E. Stewart on the United States Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit. She taught law as a visiting professor at Case Western Reserve University School of Law and practiced at Fulbright & Jaworski, LLP (now Norton Rose Fulbright), in Dallas, Texas.

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