Yakov Malkiel



Yakov Malkiel is an administrative magistrate of the Massachusetts Division of Administrative Law Appeals.  He clerked for judges of the Supreme Court of Israel, the U.S. District Court for the District of Massachusetts, and the Massachusetts Supreme Judicial Court.  In private practice, he litigated criminal, civil, and appellate cases with White & Case LLP. He now presides over administrative trials involving professional discipline, government benefits, and civil enforcement actions. He serves on the Supreme Judicial Court’s Standing Advisory Committee on the Rules of Professional Conduct. His recent law review articles discuss issues in administrative law, criminal law, criminal procedure, and legal writing.

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Constitutional Law for LLMs: LAW AM 709

2 credits

This class provides an introductory level survey of U.S. constitutional law. Topics will include: the Constitution's impact on fundamental concepts of criminal and civil law; the delineation of spheres of power between the branches of the national government; the role of the judiciary and other institutions in interpreting and applying the Constitution; individual rights; substantive due process; theories of constitutional interpretation; and the practice and meaning of judicial review in a political democracy. Enrollment is limited to LLM students who obtained their law degree outside the U.S. and to students not currently enrolled in the JD four-credit constitutional law class.

FALL 2024: LAW AM 709 A1 , Sep 3rd to Dec 5th 2024
Days Start End Credits Instructors Bldg Room
Wed 4:20 pm 6:20 pm 2 Yakov MalkielHaefner LAW 413
SPRG 2025: LAW AM 709 A1 , Jan 13th to Apr 23rd 2025
Days Start End Credits Instructors Bldg Room
Tue 6:30 pm 8:30 pm 2