Category: Uncategorized

New AFM paper from Leticia!

March 15th, 2023 in LCSC, News, Uncategorized

Check out our new paper from recent LCSC PhD Leticia Lee in Agricultural and Forest Meteorology.  We use UAV imagery, airborne LiDAR to show how variation in canopy shadows + solar zenith angle affect estimates of leaf area and fAPAR from harmonized #Landsat and #Sentinel 2 imagery.


New project on coastal resilience spinning up!

February 4th, 2023 in LCSC, News, Uncategorized

We've officially started our new coastal resilience project, which is funded by NASA.  This is a collaborative project with Sergio Fagherazzi (PI) and Cedric Fischot (both colleagues at BU), and Marc Simard at NASA JPL.  Minkyu will be the main team member working on this project from team LCSC, and the goal is to use remote sensing to monitor and model impacts on coastal marshes in North America from sea level rise.  Should be interesting and fun!

LCSC ABoVE Phase III kick-off!

February 4th, 2023 in LCSC, News, Uncategorized

Several LCSC team members (Mark, Seamore, Kai-Ting) attended the ABoVE Phase III Science Team meeting in San Diego on Jan 22-26.  We had a great meeting, caught up with former LCSC (and project PI) Jon Wang, learned a lot and had a lot of productive meetings.  Also had some great Mexican food, including some very strange (but delicious) Tacos :)

Leticia successfully defends her PhD!!!

December 7th, 2022 in LCSC, News, Uncategorized

Proud to announce that Leticia successfully defended her dissertation today (Phenology, Light Use Efficiency, and Ecosystem Productivity in Temperate Deciduous Forests).  Both the dissertation and the presentation were excellent - CONGRATS AND WAY TO GO LETICIA!!!!

LCSC at Pecora 2022 in Denver

November 25th, 2022 in LCSC, News, Uncategorized

Team LCSC had a strong showing at the Pecora 2022 meeting in Denver last month - a full list of presentations is provided on this page.

New paper in Remote Sensing of Environment

November 25th, 2022 in LCSC, News, Uncategorized

Exciting new work from post-doc Radost Stanimirova has been published!  In this paper, Radost uses a combination of spectral unmixing and time series methods to quantify changes in bare ground, herbaceous cover, and woody vegetation over the Southern Cone of South America over 20 years.  Very cool methods, even more cool results!

Check it out on our Publications page.

Kai-Ting awarded fellowship from Taiwan!

August 5th, 2022 in LCSC, News, Uncategorized

Third year LCSC Ph.D. student Kai-Ting Hu was recently awarded a fellowship from the government of Taiwan to help support her Ph.D. research.  These are competitive merit-based awards, and Kai-Ting's selection is a tremendous and well-deserved recognition of her talent and scientific potential.

Congratulations Kai-Ting!

New NASA Project

August 5th, 2022 in LCSC, News, Uncategorized

We were recently selected for funding as part of a team led by Dr. Jon Wang at UCI (moving to the University of Utah in Januray) as part of NASA's ABoVE Phase III project science team.  The project title is: "Quantifying Disturbance and Global Change Impacts on Multi-decadal Trends in Aboveground Biomass and Land Cover across Arctic-boreal North America."  In addition to Jon,  Jim Randerson and Mike Goulden at UCI are co-investigators, with Werner Kurz and Piotr Tompalski from the Canadian Forest service participating as collaborators.


Seven new LCSC papers!

August 5th, 2022 in LCSC, News, Uncategorized

It's been a busy and productive year for the LCSC team - so far 9 new papers published in 2022, with the seven most recent now posted (with links) on our publications page.  New papers cover the full range of topics and projects that are ongoing in the group, including global land cover mapping, land surface phenology, and  bi-directional interactions between terrestrial ecosystems and the atmosphere linked vi phenology!

Two new LCSC papers!

April 8th, 2022 in LCSC, News, Uncategorized

We have two new papers from Team LCSC over the last few months.  The first (Graesser et al., 2022) presents a sophisticated new model for pre-processing Landsat time series to remove noise and fill gaps.  The second (Zhang et al., 2022), was lead by Yingtong Zhang in the Woodcock group here at BU and presents a novel analysis of disturbance dynamics in the ABoVE