Haiti's Celebrations and Customs

Okay so this page is going to be a visual page. So like sit back and relax. and watch and scroll and read and click and watch some more.

This is Kanaval. Girls and boys everywhere dress up and get together to dance and sing. Sometimes to celebrate their mix of culture, sometimes to celebrate holidays and sometimes for no reason at all. More importantly, Kanaval is the celebration days leading up to Mardi Gras These girls are dancing from Kanaval of the Flowers 2014

This is a dress represented the Haitian and African mixture of coultures from Kanaval 2011.

I know, the picture is weird but its ok.. They're just "dressing as animals". There's also a celebration called Rara. It's literally the same thing but they make the music with trumpets and drums. One custom is the New Years/ Independence Day stuff. It's not much but they just drink a pumpkin and squash soup called "Soup Joumou". I know this should be in Foods but like its a custom. It tastes soooo good, and you should try it.