December, 2018
Metcalf Science Center--3rd Floor
590 Commonwealth Ave.

School Name:

Street Address: City:

ST: Zip:

Lead Teacher Name:

Email Address:

Number of students (maximum of 24): Number of teachers/adults:

Parking Needs:

School Phone :

Cell Phone :

Please indicate the your first, second, and third choices for program dates by placing a 1, 2, or 3 in the appropriate boxes:

Thursday, December 13th

Tuesday, December 18th

wednesday, Decemebr 19th



Submit your form

If you would like to start over again, then

For further information, please contact:

Cynthia Brossman
Boston University
Learning Resource Network
590 Commonwealth Ave.
Boston, MA 02215
Tel: 617/353-7021 Fax: 617/353-6056 E-mail: