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2019 Kids Count Data Book

October 30th, 2019

in Pickering Educational Resources Library

Released this past summer, the 2019 Kids Count Data Book is available for use by researchers.  Each year, the Annie E. Casey Foundation releases this important report about children in the United States. In addition to offering summaries and select highlights, the website features many “extras”. One of these is an interactive map of the United States detailing their state rankings in

  • overall child well-being,
  • economic well-being,
  • education,
  • health, and
  • family and community.

The full report is available freely as a pdf download. Information on how the report is created, including definitions and data sources, is available towards the bottom of the website.

A highlight from page 9 of the report reads, “We as a country also have failed to eliminate the racial and ethnic inequities that in part prompted the publication of the first Data Book.”