Student Services    617-353-3705

Recordings and scores

Yes, most vinyl, audio CDs, and scores, in addition to books, can leave the building as well as be used here. Since not everything is fully described in the catalog, we can quickly show you ways to browse hands-on through these less visible parts of the collection.

Reserves: online, open, or closed

Reserves lists are available online, find more information about reserves.

  • Music Open Reserves are in the Music Listening Room and available during Mugar building hours.
  • Other Music Reserves are available at music desk checkout during Music’s staffed hours.
  • Remember, some content is embedded only or approached best from a class BlackBoard site.

Reference, Projects, Scan & Photocopy

Drop in or schedule a conversation with one of us about what you’re working on or a project you have in mind.  A variety of free scanners and photocopy machines (cash or convenience points) are located on Mugar Library’s 1st floor.  While small batches of scans can be emailed, we recommend saving to flash drive as backup.

Thesis Writers

Consult early on the Research Guide for Writers of Theses and Dissertations for submission requirements. At other stages you’re invited to confer with with Holly Mockovak or Marci Cohen.

WorldCat Discovery and neighborhood libraries

On the BU Libraries home page ( take a moment to try out the  WorldCat Discovery link. This is one way to locate and request delivery of items held in libraries that are not available at Boston University’s Libraries. If you live off campus and should wish to explore your community’s public library, start with the Boston Public Library or Minuteman Library Network.