Note: This page is a work in progress, as the list of Hub courses is evolving.

Last updated May 10, 2020. In case of discrepancies between this page and official BU Hub information
in the Bulletin or on the Hub website, please rely on those official sources of information.

  Click for an overview of how Linguistics degree programs fit in with Hub requirements


Linguistics Degree Programs in relation to BU Hub Requirements

Major in Linguistics
Minor in Linguistics

Major in Linguistics & Computer Science
Major in Linguistics & Philosophy
Major in Linguistics & Speech, Language, and Hearing Sciences
Major in Linguistics & African Languages
Major in French & Linguistics
Major in Italian & Linguistics
Major in Japanese & Linguistics
Major in Spanish & Linguistics

Major in Linguistics

Majors will fulfill at least 8 -- and can fulfill up to 15 -- of the 26 required Hub units.

The 4 required foreign language courses may satisfy additional Hub requirements!

The 12 courses for the Linguistics major are listed here. 4 specific courses are required; students then choose 1 course in the linguistic analysis of a specific language, 2 additional LX electives, and 1 related course (which can be another LX course).

Students majoring in Linguistics will, through 3 of the courses required for the major (CAS LX 250 Introduction to Linguistics, LX 301 Phonetics & Phonology, LX 331 Semantics & Pragmatics), satisfy 8 of the BU Hub requirements:

  • 2. Scientific and Social Inquiry:
    • Scientific Inquiry I (LX 250) √
    • Scientific Inquiry II (LX 301) √
  • 3. Quantitative Reasoning: I (LX 301) √
  • 4. Diversity, Civic Engagement, and Global Citizenship:
    • The Individual in Community (LX 331) √
    • Global Citizenship and Intercultural Literacy [two required] (LX 250, 331) √√
  • 6. Intellectual Toolkit: Critical Thinking [two required] (LX 250, 301, 331) √√

Electives offer the possibility of fulfilling additional Hub requirements. Two additional Linguistics electives are required; options include CAS LX 342 Language, Race & Gender; CAS LX 346 Language Variation and Change; CAS LX 349 Bilingualism; CAS LX 360 Historical Linguistics; CAS  LX 367 Indigenous Languages of Latin America; CAS LX 391 Field Methods; CAS LX 394 Introduction to Programming for Computational Linguistics; CAS LX 433 Experimental Pragmatics; and CAS LX 496 Introduction to Computational Linguistics, among many others

    • 1. Philosophical, Aesthetic, and Historical Interpretation: Historical consciousness (LX 360)
    • 2. Scientific and Social Inquiry: Social Inquiry I (LX 342, 346); Social Inquiry I or II* (LX 349)
    • 3. Quantitative Reasoning: II (LX 394, 433, or 496)
    • 4. Diversity, Civic Engagement, and Global Citizenship:
      • Ethical Reasoning (LX 391)
    • 5. Communication: Writing-Intensive (LX 367); Digital/Multimedia Expression (LX 433)
    • 6. Intellectual Toolkit:
      • Teamwork/Collaboration [two required] (LX 342, 346, 391)
      • Creativity/Innovation [two required] (LX 360, 433)
      • Research and Information Literacy [two required] (LX 367, 394, or 496)
      Up to one course below the level of CAS LX 250 can also be counted towards electives for the major. The four relevant courses, of which one could be counted, are: LX 110  Say WHAT? Accents, Dialects, and Society, LX 120  Language and Music, CAS LX 205 Origins of Writing, and CAS LX 235 Language & Law.

    • 1. Philosophical, Aesthetic, and Historical Interpretation: Aesthetic exploration (LX 120).
    • 1. Philosophical, Aesthetic, and Historical Interpretation: Historical consciousness (LX 205).
    • 2. Scientific and Social Inquiry: Social Inquiry I (LX 110)
    • 4. Diversity, Civic Engagement, and Global Citizenship: Ethical Reasoning(LX 235)
    • 5. Communication: Oral and Signed Communication (LX 235)
    • 6. Intellectual Toolkit: Research and Information Literacy (LX 110, LX 120)
    • 6. Intellectual Toolkit: Teamwork and Collaboration (LX 205, LX 235)

One additional related course is required. That can be chosen from LX courses (including those above) or other related courses. Several Philosophy courses are options: CAS PH 160 Reasoning and Argumentation, PH 261 Puzzles and Paradoxes, or PH 360 Symbolic Logic would further fulfill the following requirement:

  • 1. Philosophical, Aesthetic, and Historical Interpretation: Philosophical Interpretation and Life's Meaning (PH 160, 261, 360).

Four foreign language courses at or above the third-semester level, taught in the language, are also required for the Linguistics major. Some of these may fulfill additional requirements.



Majors will fulfill at least 8 -- and can fulfill up to 15 -- of the 26 required Hub units.

The 4 required foreign language courses may satisfy additional Hub requirements!

Courses satisfying requirements for the Linguistics Major   

LX 110
[can only be taken before LX 250]
LX 120 LX 205 LX
LX 342 LX

LX 349 LX 360
LX 391 LX 394 or 496 LX 433 PH 160 PH 261 PH 360 LG
Language courses (some of which may count towards the Linguistics degree requirements for 4 courses at or above the 3rd semester level (and taught in the language) in two foreign langauges) Non linguistics courses that might fill in some of the gaps
CAS AR 348 Gods, Graves & Pyramids CC 102 Antiquity CAS CS 101 Intro to Computing or
CAS CS 103 Intro to Internet Tech.
CAS CS 111 Intro to Computer Sci CAS EN 122 Medieval Worlds CAS EN 130 Science/ Fiction CAS EN 170 The Graphic Novel CAS PH 110 Great Philosophers CAS PH 150 Intro to Ethics CAS WR 151 CAS WR 152 COM CM 323 Design & New Media
      Hub Requirements
Required for major 1 (max.) below CAS LX 250 can count for lx major Options for lx major electives Option for 1 related course 1 among many options for Analysis of specific lg. ASL Chinese French German Greek italian Japanese Latin Russian Spanish
3 electives (or 2 electives + 1 related)
1. Philosophical, Aesthetic & Historical Interpretation (3 units)                                                                                  

Philosophical Interpretation & Life’s Meanings—1 unit 

                              1 1 1                                     1 1      

Aesthetic Exploration—1 unit

        1                           1     CAS LF 350, 351, 462 CAS LG 283, 351, 450, 456 CAS CL 391 CAS LI 350, 351, 352   CAS CL 230, 351   CAS LS 350 1       1 1 1         1

Historical Consciousness—1 unit 

          1         1                       CAS LG 450, 456 CAS CL 391   CAS LJ 316 CAS CL 230, 351     1       1     1        
2. Scientific & Social Inquiry (3 units)

Scientific Inquiry I—1 unit

1       1*                                                                        

Social Inquiry I—1 unit

      1       1 1

Social Inquiry II or Scientific Inquiry II—1 unit 
Note that SCI or SO Inquiry II can alternatively substitute for SCi or SO Inquiry I, respectively )

3. Quantitative Reasoning (2 units)

Quantitative Reasoning I—1 unit 

  1                             1* 1*                                              

Quantitative Reasoning II—1 unit 

                          1 1                                 1 1                
4. Diversity, Civic Engagement & Global Citizenship (4 units)

The Individual in Community—1 unit

    1 1*           1*                   SED DE 591                                          

2 Global Citizenship & Intercultural Literacy —1 unit each 

1   1     1*         1* 1* 1*           1*                                            

2 Global Citizenship & Intercultural Literacy —1 unit each 

Ethical Reasoning—1 unit 

            1           1                                           1     1      
5. Communication (6 units)

FIrst-year writing (e.g., WR 120)—1 unit 


Writing,, research & inquiry
(e.g., WR 150 or 151 or 152)—1 unit 

                                                                            1 1  

2 Writing intensive —1 unit each 

                      1                   CAS LF 323, 350, 351 CAS LG 350   CAS LI 312, 313 CAS LJ 451     CAS LS 350 1         1            

2 Writing intensive —1 unit each

Oral and/or Signed Communication—1 unit 

            1                         SED
DE 571, 591
CAS LC 317, 322 CAS LF 309, 323 CAS LG 307, 308, 309   CAS LI 312, 313 CAS LJ 322   CAS LR 304 CAS LS 307, 308   1               1    

Digital/Multimedia Expression—1 unit 

                            1                         CAS LR 442       1       1       1 1
6. Intellectual Toolkit (8 units)

2 Critical thinking—1 unit each 

1 1 1             1*           1* 1* 1*                                     1* 1*      

2 Critical thinking—1 unit each 

2 Teamwork/Collaboration—1 unit each 

          1 1 1 1       1               CAS CL 322         CAS LJ 322               1              

2 Teamwork/Collaboration—1 unit each 

2 Research & Information Literacy—1 unit each

      1 1             1   1                 CAS LG 308 CAS CL 391     CAS CL 230


                      1 1  

2 Research & Information Literacy—1 unit each

2 Creativity/Innovation—1 unit each 

                    1       1             CAS LF 462                     1     1         1

2 Creativity/Innovation—1 unit each 

* The asterisk marks a Hub requirement that is satisfied by the course in question, but one that is already fulfilled by courses required for the major.

Automatically satisfied by required courses

Can be satisfied by courses counting for the major
Courses counting for the major do not satisfy this requirement


Recommended options for capacities that may not be otherwise covered:

1. Philosophical interpretation and life's meanings

  • CAS PH 110 Great philosophers (also satisfies Historical consciousness)
  • CAS PH 150 Introduction to Ethics (also satisfies Ethical reasoning)

1. Aesthetic exploration

  • CAS AR 348 Gods, Graves, and Pyramids: Ancient Egyptian Religion & Ritual (also satisfies Historical consciousness; a Writing intensive course)
  • CAS EN 122 Medieval Worlds (also satisfies Historical consciousness and Teamwork/Collaboration)
  • CAS EN 130 Science/Fiction (also satisfies Ethical reasoning; a Writing intensive course)
  • CAS EN 170 The Graphic Novel (also satisfies Digital/Multimedia expression and Creativity/innovation)
  • COM CM 323 Design & New Media (also satisfies Digital/Multimedia expression and Creativity/innovation)

Foreign language courses (which may also count towards the 4 courses at or above the 3rd semester required for the Linguistics major):

  • French
    • CAS LF 350 Introduction to Analysis of French Texts (a Writing intensive course)
    • CAS LF 351 Introduction to the French novel (a Writing intensive course)
  • German
    • CAS LG 350 Introduction to German literature (a Writing intensive course)
  • Greek
    • CAS CL 391 Greek Seminar (also satisfies Historical consciousness and Research & information literacy)
  • Italian
    • CAS LI 350 Introduction to Italian Literature 1
    • CAS LI 351 Introduction to Italian Literature 2
  • Latin
    • CAS CL 230 The Golden Age of Latin literature (also satisfies Historical consciousness and Research & information literacy)

1. Historical consciousness

  • CAS AR 348 Gods, Graves, and Pyramids: Ancient Egyptian Religion & Ritual (also counts for Aesthetic exploration; a Writing intensive course)
  • CAS EN 122 Medieval Worlds (also satisfies Aesthetic exploration and Teamwork/Collaboration)

Foreign language courses (which may also count towards the 4 courses at or above the 3rd semester required for the Linguistics major):

  • Greek
    • CAS CL 391 Greek Seminar (also satisfies Aesthetic exploration and Research & information literacy)
  • Japanese
    • CAS LJ 316 Classical Japanese
  • Latin
    • CAS CL 230 The Golden Age of Latin literature [also satisfies Aesthetic exploration and Research & information literacy]

4. Ethical reasoning (one unit)

  • CAS EN 130 Science/Fiction (also satisfies Aesthetic exploration; a Writing intensive course)
  • CAS PH 150 Introduction to Ethics (also satisfies Aesthetic exploration)

5. Writing-intensive courses (two units)

  • CAS AR 348 Gods, Graves, and Pyramids: Ancient Egyptian Religion & Ritual (also satisfies Aesthetic exporation and Historical consciousness)
  • CAS EN 130 Science/Fiction (also satisfies Aesthetic exploration and Ethical reasoning)

Foreign language courses (which may also count towards the 4 courses at or above the 3rd semester required for the Linguistics major):

  • French
    • CAS LF 323 Creative Writing in French (also satisfies Oral and/or Signed Communication)
    • CAS LF 350 Introduction to Analysis of French Texts (also satisfies Aesthetic exploration)
    • CAS LF 351 Introduction to the French Novel (also satisfies Aesthetic exploration)
  • German
    • CAS LG 350 Introduction to German Literature (also satisfies Aesthetic exploration)
  • Italian
    • CAS LI 312 Italian for the Professions
    • CAS LI 313 Italian Media and Popular Culture
  • Japanese
    • CAS LJ 451 Topics in Japanese Literature
  • Spanish
    • CAS LS 306 Spanish through Translation
    • CAS LS 307 Spanish through Literature and the Arts (also satisfies Oral and/or signed communication)
    • CAS LS 308 Spanish through Film and Media (also satisfies Oral and/or signed communication)

5. Oral and/or signed communication (one unit)

Foreign language courses (which may also count towards the 4 courses at or above the 3rd semester required for the Linguistics major):

  • American Sign Language
    • SED DE 571 American Sign Language (ASL) 2
  • Chinese
    • CAS LC 317 Chinese in Modern Society
    • CAS LC 322 Chinese for Professional Purposes (also satisfies Teamwork/Collaboration)
  • French
    • CAS LF 309 French in the World
  • German
    • CAS LG 307 Contemporary Cultural Issues in the German-Speaking World
  • Italian
    • CAS LI 312 Italian for the Professions (a Writing intensive course)
    • CAS LI 313 Italian Media and Popular Culture (a Writing intensive course)
  • Japanese
    • CAS LJ 350 Readings in Modern Japanese Fiction
  • Russian
    • CAS LR 304 Third-year Russian 2 - Reading, Grammar Review, and Conversation
  • Spanish
    • CAS LS 307 Spanish through Literature and the Arts (also satifies Oral and/or signed communication)
    • CAS LS 308 Spanish through Film and Media (also satifies Oral and/or signed communication)

5. Digital/Multimedia Expression (one unit)

  • CAS CS 101 Introduction to Computing
  • CAS CS 103 Introduction to Internet Technologies
  • CAS EN 170 The Graphic Novel (also counts for Aesthetic exploration and Creativity/innovation)
  • COM CM 323 Design & New Media (also counts for Aesthetic exploration and Creativity/innovation)

6. Research and Information Literacy

Foreign language courses (which may also count towards the 4 courses at or above the 3rd semester required for the Linguistics major):

  • Greek
    • CAS CL 391 Greek Seminar (also satisfies Aesthetic exploration and Historical consciousness)
  • Latin
    • CAS CL 230 The Golden Age of Latin literature (also satisfies Aesthetic exploration and Historical consciousness)

6. Teamwork/Collaboration (two units)

  • CAS EN 122 Medieval Worlds (also satisfies Aesthetic exploration and Historical consciousness )

Foreign language courses (which may also count towards the 4 courses at or above the 3rd semester required for the Linguistics major):

  • Chinese
    • CAS LC 322 Chinese for Professional Purposes (also satisfies Oral and/or signed communication)

6. Creativity/Innovation (two units)

  • CAS EN 170 The Graphic Novel (also satisfies Aesthetic exploration and Digital/Multimedia expression)
  • COM CM 323 Design & New Media (also satisfies Digital/Multimedia expression and Creativity/innovation)



For more information about the Linguistics program, see .