Safety Information
We recommend that all students (who are US citizens) register at the Embassy of the United States in Spain during the first days of their arrival. Information about STEP.
Important phone numbers in Spain
Emergencies: 112
Local Police: 092
National Police: 091
Safety in the City
Madrid is overall a very safe city but there are some safety tips and measures to take into consideration.
Important: In very touristic places and with many people, be very attentive to your belongings.
Pick pocketing
The most common crime in Spain is pick pocketing so places in Madrid to be extra careful with your personal belongings are:
- Clubs, Bars and Cafés, esp. STARBUCKS! (don’t leave phones, computer, or any personal belongings on the table or unattended).
- Metro, train, bus (keep bags, backpacks, wallets, phones etc., in the front/deep pockets).
- Sol, Gran Vía, Tribunal, Plaza España, etc.
In the event of an incident
Students must report any robbery or incident to the BU Madrid staff who will then help the student report it to the police.
Reports may be done by:
BU Madrid Staff, along with the help of the student, will also then fill out and send an incident report to BU.
Violence & Sexual Assault
- No More Directory | Violence & Sexual Assault. A comprehensive international directory of sexual violence hotlines, support services, and resources.