There are many ways to enhance your undergraduate degree beyond completing the required coursework. We invite you to explore the possibilities below.
An Honors project offers students with a strong academic record the opportunity to pursue independent research on an advanced topic under the direction of a faculty mentor. It is necessary for nomination to Phi Beta Kappa and for graduating with honors in the math major. See also CAS info on Honors in the Major. Students completing an Honors project will be enrolled in a two-course independent study sequence (MA 401/402), produce an Honors thesis, and present the results to a committee of at least three faculty members. Students wishing to complete an Honors project should complete the following steps: Requirements: For further information about the Honors program, please contact the Director of Undergraduate Studies.Honors in the Major
Directed Study is a way to effectively create and receive official credit for a course of your own design in an advanced area that is not covered by typical BU courses. Students wishing to enroll in a Directed Study course must first find a faculty member willing to serve as the Instructor of Record for that course. The student should then ask that faculty member to reach out to the Director of Undergraduate Studies to indicate their willingness to supervise the Directed Study, and to get the course set up for the student.Directed Study
Undergraduate Research Opportunities
Attending a mathematics or statistics conference can be a great way to learn more about the professional community and the opportunities it provides. Speak with your advisor about which conferences may be relevant for you and your interests. Check out the section on Conferences and Programs Related to Graduate School in Mathematics on our Community page. Consider applying for a Departmental Travel Grant.Conference participation
The BU Directed Reading Program (DRP) is a program that pairs undergraduates with graduate student mentors to work together on an independent reading project in mathematics, applied mathematics, or statistics. The goal is to engage undergraduates who are curious and motivated to learn beyond what they may find in their coursework, in a way where their interests drive their learning experience. The DRP serves as a bridge between undergraduate and graduate students in our department and helps to foster a sense of community among all of our students. Directed Reading Program
Becoming a member of professional organizations — including the American Mathematical Society, Mathematical Association of America, Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics, American Statistical Organization, Eastern North American Region of the International Biometrics Society, Institute of Mathematical Statistics, International Statistical Institute, Association for Women in Mathematics, National Association of Mathematicians, Spectra, and the Society for the Advancement of Chicanos/Hispanics and Native Americans in Science — can enable access to a wider range of resources and also help connect students with the broader community beyond BU. Student memberships are often relatively inexpensive or even free; contact your advisor for more information about professional membership, including which organizations might be most appropriate for you.Membership in Professional Organizations
The Putnam Exam is a prestigious mathematics competition administered by a national committee. Each year, several BU students participate in this activity. For more information please contact Exam
The Arts and Sciences Connector can help you navigate the diverse range of experiential learning opportunities available within Arts & Sciences, across Boston University’s professional schools and offices, and throughout the Greater Boston Area and beyond.BU Arts and Sciences Connector
The Mathematics and Statistics Department hires a number of undergraduate graders to assist faculty in grading for certain Mathematics and Statistics courses. For more information, see the Grader Applications page.Graders