Samagya Banskota

Assistant Professor of Biomedical Engineering

  • Title Assistant Professor of Biomedical Engineering
  • Education PhD, Biomedical Engineering, Duke University
    Postdoc, Chemistry and Chemical Biology, Broad Institute of Harvard and MIT

Precision genome editing technologies can potentially treat the root causes of several genetic diseases by making precise and targeted edits to the DNA. However, safe and effective delivery methods are needed to translate this potential into a therapeutic reality. My lab’s research interests lie in the intersection of synthetic biology, protein engineering, drug delivery, and gene editing, with a focus on using a cross-disciplinary approach to solving delivery challenges for therapeutics. Towards that goal, we are developing tools that allow us to probe and manipulate macromolecular transport to understand delivery barriers. We integrate that knowledge with synthetic biology and protein engineering to design genetically-encoded and stimuli-responsive delivery systems. By providing solutions that can overcome delivery challenges, we hope to make enabling therapeutics such as genome editors safe, accessible, and affordable.

The other interest of my lab is to develop molecular tools to elucidate the biological function of the genomic dark matter (transposable elements or TEs). TEs comprise nearly half of the human genome but we do not fully understand their roles and functions in many diseases. We are developing genome and epigenome editing technologies that act as molecular recorders to study their biological function at scale. The resulting findings will help us understand the phenotypic consequences of TEs to inspire new therapeutic strategies.

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