Upcoming Events

📢Oct 1st: 2024 MCH Fellowship and Diversity Scholars Fair

📅 Date: Tuesday, October 1st
⏰ Time: 5:00-6:30pm EST
📍 Location: 72 E. Concord St, INS L405 (4th Floor)

*Open to all incoming on-campus MPH student!*

The MCH Fair showcases various maternal and child health research fellowship and practice fellowship opportunities offered through the Center. MCH research and practice fellowships allow students to engage and work with faculty and community partners. Additionally, our Center will have a table specially for on the Diversity Scholars Leadership Program (DSLP), which supports students from underrepresented minority and LGBTQIA+ communities.

Complete list of fellowship projects: Coming soon!

Applications opening Oct 1st!

For questions, contact: mchcoe@bu.edu

2024 MCH Fellowship Applications Now Open: Due Sun. Feb. 4, 11:59pm

MCH Fellowships

Interested in applying to our Maternal and Child Health Fellowship program to be a Research or Practice Fellow? 2024 MCH Research & Practice Fellowship Descriptions

  • Research Fellows work closely with a faculty member on a research project.
  • Practice Fellows work with an external community organization to gain practical experience.

All of our research and all practice fellowship opportunities are eligible to count as a practicum, and can be registered separately with the Practicum Office upon award of the fellowship. 

All MPH students are encouraged to apply. 

Midwifery Webinar: An Evidence-Based Solution for Disrespect, Racism, and Other Challenges in Maternity Care

In light of high rates of maternal mortality, disrespect and racism in the United States, we discuss midwifery as an evidence-based solution and protective model to address the important challenges in women’s health care.

Join us on 4/29 from 1-2 PM EST. RSVP at https://hsph.me/midwiferywebinar.

Harvard & BU Midwifery Webinar April 29th Flyer

Featuring three renowned speakers:

  • Ebony Marcelle, CNM, MS, FACNM,  Director of Midwifery at Community of Hope
  • Holly Powell Kennedy, PhD, CNM, FACNM, FAAN, midwifery researcher and Varney Professor of Midwifery at Yale School of Nursing
  • Eugene R. Declercq, PhD, MBA, Professor of Community Health Sciences, Boston University School of Public Health

This webinar will be of special interest to midwives, public health or policy students, state Title V or other MCH practitioners, and those interested in equitable health care and maternal mortality.

You may now view the recording here https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=10NAag7w5h4

8/3/20 Webinar Event by the HHS OASH: “Advancing Maternal Health: Breastfeeding Support and Oral Health”

External event announcement:

“Advancing Maternal Health: Breastfeeding Support and Oral Health,” hosted by the HHS Office of the Assistant Secretary for Health (OASH), Regions 1-10.

This webinar, on Monday, August 3, from 2 to 3:15 p.m., will focus on how providing breastfeeding support and oral health improves maternal health throughout the life course and reduces inequities.

Health and social services providers, lactation consultants, oral health providers, public health professionals, early childhood education programs, program and policy staff, community and faith-based organizations along with stakeholders addressing women and girls' health issues.

Link to register

Download full webinar details: Final Breastfeeding and Oral Health Support Webinar

Massachusetts Public Health Association Virtual Breakfast Honoring Dr. Camara Jones September 18, 9:00am-10:00am

*Event Announcement*

Massachusetts Public Health Association Virtual Breakfast Honoring

Dr. Camara Jones September 18, 9:00am-10:00am

"MPHA is thrilled to announce our Virtual Breakfast on September 18th to honor Dr. Camara Phyllis Jones! During the event, we will hear from this public health luminary and present her with MPHA's Paul Revere Award for her unwavering commitment to eradicate health inequities and structural racism.
Dr. Jones' legacy inspires MPHA's work every day, and we are excited to hear from her during such a crucial time, as we fight for both public health and racial justice.
This event is an excellent opportunity for public health students, professionals, and activists from across MA to come together to be energized by each other and by Dr. Jones' words as we face two public health crises: structural racism--a crisis 400+ years in the making--and COVID-19. There has never been a more crucial time to stand with MPHA in our work for health equity."

ATMCH/MCH NAVIGATOR Webinar- “First Things First: An MCH Reset Retreat to Determine What Matters Now”

By Rachel Lauren BaconJune 16th, 2020in Events

Monday, June 22 3:00 - 4:30 PM Eastern

More retreat than webinar, this is an opportunity to unite as an MCH community. Join us as we quiet our minds, identify and align our priorities and values, and see the present circumstances with increased clarity and new insights about how to move forward.

Limited to 125 participants, so register early!

ATMCH has secured 1.0 CPH credit for participating in either the webinar or webinar archive. For more information, email Julie McDougal at jmcdouga@uab.edu.

TO REGISTER: https://www.mchnavigator.org/connect/atmch


Janine Hill Janine Hill, PhD(c), MPH, ACC – Janine is a Career Coach, Consultant, and Keynote Speaker. She is the President of Soar Strategies, Inc. and is also a Lecturer at the University of Illinois at Chicago, teaching “MCH Delivery Systems” and “MCH Policy and Advocacy” in the School of Public Health, Division of Community Health Sciences.
Kris Risley Kris Risley, DrPH, CPCC – Kris is an Executive and Leadership Coach and the Managing Director, Workforce, for the de Beaumont Foundation, supporting the public health workforce, developing capacity, and leading change at the individual, team, organization, and sys- tems levels. Kris is also a Certified Svaroopa Yoga Basics Teacher and is certified as an Embodyment Yoga Therapist.

National Public Health Week 2020

This year we celebrate the 25th National Public Health Week. This week (April 6th-12th), we celebrate the power of prevention, advocate for healthy and fair policies, share strategies for successful partnerships, and champion the role of a strong public health system.

The theme of this year's National Public Health Week is "looking back, moving forward" and focuses strongly on the COVID19 pandemic. Each day, we're celebrate a different public health theme:

Monday: Mental Health
Tuesday: Maternal and Child Health
Wednesday: Violence Prevention
Thursday: Environmental Health
Friday: Education
Saturday: Healthy Housing
Sunday: Economics


    1. NPHW Forum: Monday, April 6, 1-3 p.m. ET join APHA and public health leaders from across the country in this conversation about public health’s strides in the last 25 years, the challenges of eliminating health disparities and the imperative to create a more just world. The National Public Health Week Forum is the national kickoff for NPHW. Recording available here.
    2. BUSPH MCHiA: Tuesday, April 7 5 p.m ET Maternal and Child Health in Action at BU SPH is hosting a COVID19 and Maternal and Child Health virtual discussion. Join via Zoom (ID: 425 879 623)
    3. NPHW Twitter Chat: Wednesday, April 8 at 2 p.m. ET APHA is hosting its tenth annual National Public Health Week Twitter Chat. We'll chat about all things public health, celebrate everything public health has accomplished and talk about where the movement is going. Make sure you follow @NPHW on Twitter and use #NPHWchat. Please share this link, and make sure your Twitter account has RSVP'ed as well: https://www.twtvite.com/yleqzpyth
    4. NPHW Student Day: Thursday, April 9th. Students are truly the backbone of NPHW. That’s why each year we designate one day of the week as Student Day! This year, Student Day will be held on Thursday, April 9. Because COVID-19 is keeping us all off campus right now, there are lots of ways to stay engaged online. NPHW Student Day - How to Get Hired After Graduation REGISTER HERE: https://ampublichealth.wufoo.com/forms/z1k5urpl1icagu0/



For science.
The United States has the highest national spending on health care yet ranks low among its peers for maternal and infant mortality, two indicators of the health of a country. Thirty-one percent of women who will become pregnant and give birth in the U.S. will face pregnancy complications.[1] Black mothers are up to six times more likely to die due to pregnancy complications than white mothers nationwide.[2] Approximately 25% of women in the U.S. do not receive the appropriate number of prenatal appointments with a health provider, but the percentage is even higher among black women (32%) and American Indian/Alaska Native women (41%).[3]

For action.
Advocate for bias training in medical school education. Encourage policymakers to pass laws that create a more equitable and just society. Address access to prenatal and perinatal care for mothers and babies in communities with limited maternal health care. Expand access to WIC and SNAP. Eliminate the work and income requirements that are barriers to prenatal care and improved nutrition. Expand Medicaid for pregnant women and children. Advocate for programs that support breastfeeding. Work to make doula services available for all pregnancies and births.

For health.
In order to address and fight maternal mortality, we need to address income inequity and racism. Advocate for policies that address maternal health gaps and create programs and funding sources to address gaps in care, education, access and resources. Provide technical assistance and funding for states to allow them to create their own review boards for mortality related to pregnancy.[4]

For justice.
Acknowledge the history of harm that has been perpetuated on women of color.[5] Explore racism as a cause for persisting inequities, and work toward addressing implicit bias in maternal care.[6] Advocate for more equitable access to education, health care and economic mobility for communities of color."


2020 Alumni Award Event


Dear Alums, Students and Friends of the Center,

Needless to say, our Annual Alumni Award Reception, scheduled for April 17th, will not be held this year.   Like so many gatherings that are part of all of our daily, weekly, monthly, and annual rituals, we will miss getting together to renew connections and forge new ones. And we will miss the chance to honor our 2020 awardee, Rahel Getachew, MD, MPH (SPH 2002), Vice Dean of Student Affairs (2012-2018) at Myungsung Medical College in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. Next year, Rahel will be honored alongside the 2021 awardee.

For now, Covid-19 is giving us other ways to gather and care for ourselves, our loved ones, those we work with, and for many- those who are suffering.   We honor you and all of the work you are doing to promote wellness and safety among women, children, families and people in communities in the U.S. and beyond.   We’d like to hear about it if you have the bandwidth and desire to share with us.   If you have messages you’d like to get out about how you are doing and MCH work in the time of Covid-19, please send them:  mchcoe@bu.edu.    Remember to let us know if you’d like us to push your message out on MCH CoE social media:

Congratulations, Rahel!

Warmly and with wishes for your health and safety,
Lois McCloskey
Associate Professor
Director, Center of Excellence in Maternal and Child Health Education, Science and Practice
Department of Community Health Sciences
Boston University School of Public Health

Equity, Autonomy and Substance Use Disorder: Lifecourse Considerations for Pregnant and Parenting People

Wednesday, February 5th 2020
“Equity, Autonomy and Substance Use Disorder: Lifecourse Considerations for Pregnant and Parenting People”
: co-hosted by Boston University and Harvard Schools of Public Health, Centers of Excellence in MCH, this webinar discussed the complex challenges and best practices for care of pregnant and parenting people with substance use disorder – especially after pregnancy and throughout the life course.  Appropriate for public health practitioners, providers of all kinds, addiction specialists,  maternal health advocates, substance use specialists, and policy-makers, alike.

Presentation recording (youtube): Recording - MCH and SUD Webinar - Feb 5 2020

Presentation slides (pdf): Slides - MCH and SUD Webinar Slide Deck- Feb. 5 2020

Q&A (pdf): Document - Webinar Q&A