CMTM Faculty Seed Grant Program
The BU Center for Multiscale and Translational Mechanobiology faculty seed grant program was established during the fall semester of 2020 with the intention of stimulating innovative research in mechanobiology. Proposed projects should focus on one or more of the following areas:
- Research in mechanobiology that spans and integrates multiple length scales and/or multiple time scales
- Translational research driven by mechanobiology principles
- Research that develops and/or heavily uses mathematical modeling to help understand and predict mechanobiological phenomena
Proposals must be for collaborative projects involving two or more faculty within the Center. Collaborative proposals between multiple departments, colleges, and/or campuses are strongly encouraged. Applicants may request up to $25,000 total award amount for approximately one year of funding.
Seed grant proposals are reviewed by a committee of BU faculty. Proposals are judged on a series of criteria including: meeting program guidelines; showing innovation and significance in the field; having a solid project team well-suited to collaboration on the specific research involved; and well-reasoned overall strategy, methodology, and analyses appropriate to accomplishing the goal of the project. Completion of the project will position the team for external funding in the project area, with the hope of perpetuating a thriving and collaborative mechanobiology research community at BU.
The Center awarded four pilot grants the inaugural year, and plans to fund additional projects yearly. Click on the links below for yearly application processes and award winners.
FY25 Faculty Seed Grant Application Process