Project & Research Request Project & Research Request Form General InformationRequestor Name* First Last Requestor Email* Enter Email Confirm Email Requestor PhoneAffiliation*Faculty, Staff, or Student?FacultyStaffStudentNOTE: The Project & Research Computing services are available for MET employees only.Service Needed* Project Research Computing Project DetailsProject Title* Sponsor Name* First Last A sponsor is a senior-level team member responsible for ensuring adequate resources (e.g.-budget, personnel) are allocated to complete the project.Proposed Completion Date* MM slash DD slash YYYY Business Need/Problem to be Addressed*Proposed Solution*Business Objectives* Research Computing DetailsStart Date* MM slash DD slash YYYY Hosting Duration* One Semester without Archiving One Semester with Archiving NOTE: Archived VMs will be shut down and saved in our cloud storage for future use.Brief Description of VM Usage*Operating System Windows Linux CPU Requirements 1 2 4 Memory Requirements 2 GB 4 GB 8 GB Storage Requirements 20 GB 40 GB 80 GB Software Requirements