
Our group’s research is at the interface between structural mechanics and soft matter physics. We study large shape changes, pattern formation, and instabilities. If you are interested in these topics, I encourage you to read a review article from our group entitled “Elasticity and Stability of Shape-Shifting Structures”.

Books, Reviews, & Commentary

Sophie Germain

Germain Curvature: The Case for Naming the Mean Curvature of a Surface after Sophie Germain

arχiv, 2403622, (2023)

D.P. Holmes

Essay: [arχiv]


Elasticity and Stability of Shape-Shifting Structuress

Current Opinion in Colloid & Interface Science, 40, 118-137, (2019)

D.P. Holmes

Review: [Journal]

Kirigami Origami

A Cut Above: Folding and Cutting Advanced Materials

Matter, 2403622, (2019)

D.P. Holmes and Y. Yang

Invited Commentary: [Journal]

Active Matter

Growing and Morphing Shapes: Using Swelling and Geometry to Control the Shape of Soft Materials

Active Matter, Ch. 18, 151-156, MIT Press, (2017)

D.P. Holmes
Photo Credits: A. Bade, P.T. Brun, H. Hwang, M. Pezzulla, and M. Steranka

Book: [Publisher][Chapter]

Mechanical Metamaterials

Mechanical metamaterials are complex structures that perform operations by utilizing nonlinearities and instabilities in a functional way. Structural instabilities, like buckling and snapping, provide ways to change the state of a structure (either locally or globally), creating patterns and switches. Origami and kirigami use geometric and topological nonlinearities – such as creases and cuts – as building blocks to enhance stretchability, create auxetic materials, design linear actuators, and build robotic grippers.

Kirigami Computing

Mechanical Computing with Transmissive Snapping of Kirigami Shells

Advanced Functional Materials, 2403622, (2024)

Y. Yang, J. Feng, and D.P. Holmes

Paper: [Journal]

Battling Beams

The Collective Snapping of a Pair of Bumping Buckled Beams

Extreme Mechanics Letters, 2403622, (2024)

L.J. Kwakernaak, A. Guerra, D.P. Holmes, M. van Hecke

Paper: [Journal][arχiv]

Ordering Beams

Self-Ordering of Buckling, Bending, and Bumping Beams

Physical Review Letters, 2403622, (2023)

A. Guerra, A.C. Slim, D.P. Holmes, and O. Kodio

Paper: [Journal][arχiv]
Press: [Physics]

Kirigami Gripper

Grasping with Kirigami Shells

Science Robotics, 6, eabd6426, (2021)

Y. Yang, K. Vella, and D.P. Holmes

Paper: [Journal]
Press: [IEEE: Soft Robotics Podcast][Mecharithm][CNET][Futurity][The Spoon][BU The Brink]

Multistable Kirigami

Multistable Kirigami for Tunable Architected Materials

Physical Review Materials, 2, 110601(R), (2018)

Y. Yang, M.A. Dias, and D.P. Holmes

Paper: [Journal]

Kirigami Actuators

Kirigami Actuators

Soft Matter, 13, 9087–9092, (2017)

M.A. Dias, P.Z. Hanakata, M.P. McCarron, D. Rayneau-Kirkhope, D.K. Campbell, H.S. Park, and D.P. Holmes

Paper: [Journal]

Elastogranular Structures

When elastic structures (fibers, string, plant roots, filaments) are combined with granular matter (soil, rocks, sand) it can create elastogranular structures that gain functionality through the interplay between structural instabilities and granular jamming. Because these elastogranular composites can bear significant loads, they could therefore provide natural barriers to sand and soil erosion, provide critical infrastructure that can morph and adapt, and create scaffolds for vegetal and coral growth. The combination of slender elastic structures with granular materials can produce elastogranular structures that can either jam into a rigid structural form capable of bearing significant loads, or be remarkably fragile and flow like a fluid for recyclability and reversability. This unprecedented reconfigurability and range of mechanical behaviors has the potential to create a new paradigm for the development of functional materials and adaptable structures, for instance, by creating structures with a reconfigurable granular skeleton embedded within soft materials.

Elastogranular Sheet

Elastogranular Sheets

Matter, 6(4), 1217-1230, (2023)

A. Guerra and D.P. Holmes

Paper: [Journal]
Code: [GitHub: LAMMPSStructures]
Commentary: [Matter: Perspective]

Elastogranular Columns and Beams

Elastogranular Columns and Beams

Soft Matter, 18, 8262-8270, (2022)

A. Guerra, C. Lautzenhiser, X. Jiang, K. Flanagan, D. Rak, S. Tibbits, and D.P. Holmes

Paper: [Journal]
Commentary: [Editorial Board: Highlighted Papers of 2022]

Emergence of Elastogranular Columns

Emergence of Structure in Columns of Grains and Elastic Loops

Soft Matter, 17, 7662–7669, (2021)

A. Guerra and D.P. Holmes

Paper: [Journal]

Packing Loops

Packing Transitions in the Elastogranular Confinement of a Slender Loop

Soft Matter, 16, 2039–2044, (2020)

D.J. Schunter Jr., R.K. Czech, and D.P. Holmes

Paper: [Journal][arχiv]

Beam in Polydisperse Grains

Elastogranularity in Binary Granular Mixtures

Granular Matter, 22:3, (2020)

D.J. Schunter Jr., M. Boucher, and D.P. Holmes

Paper: [Journal][arχiv]

EG Arch

Superjammed: Tunable and Morphable Spanning Structures Through Granular Jamming

Technology|Architecture + Design, 4:2, 211-220, (2020)

Z. Cohen, N. Elberfeld, A. Moorman, J. Laucks, S. Kernizan, D.P. Holmes, and S. Tibbits

Paper: [Journal]

Beams and Grains

Elastogranular Mechanics: Buckling, Jamming, and Structure Formation

Physical Review Letters, 120, 078002, (2018)

D.J. Schunter, Jr., M. Brandenbourger, S. Perriseau, and D.P. Holmes

Paper: [Journal][arχiv]

Beam in Grains

Buckling of Elastic Beams Embedded in Granular Media

Extreme Mechanics Letters, 9, 237-244, (2016)

A.R. Mojdehi, B. Tavakol, W. Royston, D.A. Dillard, and D.P. Holmes

Paper: [Journal]

Fundamental Mechanics of Slender Structures

The geometry and topology of thin structures dictates how they deform – it is easy to role a sheet of paper into a cylinder, but impossible to wrap it around a sphere without crumpling it, as this requires you to stretch it. A comparison of the energies for stretching and bending suggests that, if possible, a thin sheet will deform in a manner that avoid stretching as much as possible.

Stimuli-Responsive Shell Theory

Stimuli-Responsive Shell Theory

Mathematics and Mechanics of Solids, 1-36, (2023)

J.-H. Lee, H.S. Park, and D.P. Holmes

Paper: [Journal]

Packing a Sheet

Wrinkling and Developable Cones in Centrally Confined Sheets

Physical Review E, 108, 035002, (2023)

L. Stein-Montalvo, A. Guerra, K. Almeida, O. Kodio, D.P. Holmes

Paper: [Journal][arχiv]

Edge Snapping

Efficient Snap-Through of Spherical Caps by Applying a Localized Curvature Stimulus

The European Physics Journal E (EPJE) , 45(3), (2022)

L. Stein-Montalvo, J.-H. Lee, Y. Yang, M. Landesberg, H.S. Park, and D.P. Holmes

Paper: [Journal][arχiv]
Press: [EPJE Highlight]

Viscoelastic Shell Buckling

Delayed Buckling of Spherical Shells due to Viscoelastic Knockdown of the Critical Load

Proceedings of the Royal Society A, 477(3), 20210253, (2021)

L. Stein-Montalvo, D.P. Holmes, and G. Coupier

Paper: [Journal][arχiv]

Pressure and Curvature Buckling

Nonlinear Buckling Behavior of a Complete Spherical Shell Under Uniform External Pressure and Homogeneous Natural Curvature

Physical Review E, 102, 023003 (2020)

D.P. Holmes, J.-H. Lee, H.S. Park, and M. Pezzulla

Paper: [Journal][arχiv]

Buckling of Confined Shells

Buckling of Geometrically Confined Shells

Soft Matter, 15, 1215–1222, (2019)

L. Stein-Montalvo, P. Costa, M. Pezzulla, and D.P. Holmes

Paper: [Journal]

Knockdown Buckling

Evolution of Critical Buckling Conditions in
Imperfect Bilayer Shells through Residual Swelling

Soft Matter, 15, 6134–6144, (2019)

A. Lee, D. Yan, M. Pezzulla, D.P. Holmes, and P.M. Reis

Paper: [Journal]


Static Bistability of Spherical Caps

Proceedings of the Royal Society A, 474, 20170910, (2017)

M. Taffetani, X. Jiang, D.P. Holmes, and Dominic Vella

Paper: [Journal][arχiv]

Voltage Snapping

Bioinspired Electrically Activated Soft Bistable Actuators

Advanced Functional Materials, 1802999, (2018)

H. Shao, S. Wei, X. Jiang, D.H. Holmes, and T.K. Ghosh

Paper: [Journal]

Curvature-Induced Instabilities

Curvature-Induced Instabilities of Shells

Physical Review Letters, 120, 048002, (2018)

M. Pezzulla, N. Stoop, M.P. Steranka, A.J. Bade, and D.P. Holmes

Paper: [Journal][arχiv]

Snapping Cylinders

Snapping of Bistable, Prestressed Cylindrical Shells

Europhysics Letters (EPL), 122, 64003, (2018)

X. Jiang, M. Pezzulla, H. Shao, T.K. Ghosh, and D.P. Holmes

Paper: [Journal][arχiv]

Bilayer Shell

Curvature-Driven Morphing of non-Euclidean Shells

Proceedings of the Royal Society A, 473, 20170087, (2017)

M. Pezzulla, N. Stoop, X. Jiang, and D.P. Holmes

Paper: [Journal][arχiv]

Bilayer Plate

Geometry and Mechanics of Thin Growing Bilayers

Soft Matter, 12, 4435–4442, (2016)

M. Pezzulla, G.P. Smith, Paola Nardinocchi, and Douglas P. Holmes

Paper: [Journal]


Morphing of Geometric Composites via Residual Swelling

Soft Matter, 11, 5812–5820, (2015)

M. Pezzulla, S.A. Shillig, P. Nardinocchi, and D.P. Holmes

Paper: [Journal]

Falling Slinky

Falling Vertical Chain of Oscillators, Including Collisions, Damping, and Pretensioning

Journal of Sound and Vibration, 349, 195–205, (2015)

R.H. Plaut, A.D. Borum, D.P. Holmes, and D.A. Dillard

Paper: [Journal][arχiv]

Snapping Popper

Dynamics of snapping beams and jumping poppers

Europhysics Letters (EPL), 105, 24001, (2014)

A. Pandey, D.E. Moulton, D. Vella, and D.P. Holmes

Paper: [Journal][arχiv]


Equilibria and Instabilities of a Slinky: Discrete model

International Journal of Non-Linear Mechanics, 65, 236–244, (2014)

D.P. Holmes, A.D. Borum, B.F. Moore III, R.H. Plaut, D.A. Dillard

Paper: [Journal][arχiv]

Wrinkles and Folds

Draping Films: A Wrinkle to Fold Transition

Physical Review Letters, 105, 038303 (2010)

D.P. Holmes and A.J. Crosby

Paper: [Journal]

Interfacial Mechanics

Swelling of Gels and Rubber

When fluid comes into contact with an elastic network, it may infiltrate the material, causing it to significantly increase in size in order to absorb the fluid. The network is made of long polymer chains which form compact coils between crosslinks in the absence of fluid. As fluid is absorbed, the coils straighten out, decreasing their entropy in order to allow these fluid and solid to mix. During the swelling process, significant stress gradients can develop as the fluid diffuses through the material. This differential swelling can induce large, nonlinear deformations in slender structures.

Swelling Capillarity

Rising Beyond Elastocapillarity

Soft Matter, 12, 4886–4890, (2016)

D.P. Holmes, P.-T. Brun, A. Pandey, and S. Protiere

Paper: [Journal]

What’s Going On Here? Two rubber fibers are dipped into a bath of oil. The oil rises via capillary action – surface tension draws the fluid up while gravity pulls it down. The fibers are flexible, so the surface tension bends them closer together – the same way that long, wet hair clumps together. As the oil begins to swell the rubber fibers, they bend to accomodate the difference in length between the wet and dry sides of the fiber. So there are two competing effects – surface tension pulling the fibers together, and swelling curling them apart.

Swelling Crumpling

Swelling-Induced Deformations: A Materials-Defined Transition from Macroscale to Microscale Deformations

Soft Matter, 9, 5524–5528, (2013)

A. Pandey and D.P. Holmes

Paper: [Journal]

Dancing Disks

Bending and Twisting of Soft Materials by Non-Homogenous Swelling

Soft Matter, 7, 5188–5193, (2011)

D.P. Holmes, M. Roche, T. Sinha, and H. A. Stone

Paper: [Journal]

Crumpled Surface Structures

Crumpled Surface Structures

Soft Matter, 4, 82-85 (2008)

D.P. Holmes, M. Ursiny, and A.J. Crosby

Paper: [Journal]

Snapping Shells

Snapping Surfaces

Advanced Materials, 19, 3589–3593, (2007)

D.P. Holmes and A.J. Crosby

Paper: [Journal]

Fluid-Structure Interactions


Extended Lubrication Theory: Improved Estimates of Flow in Channels with Variable Geometry

Proceedings of the Royal Society A, 473, 20170234, (2017)

B. Tavakol, G. Froehlicher, D.P. Holmes, and H.A. Stone

Paper: [Journal]

Voltage Buckling Flow

Voltage-Induced Buckling of Dielectric Films using Fluid Electrodes

Applied Physics Letters, 108, 112901, (2016)

B. Tavakol and D.P. Holmes

Paper: [Journal]

Dielectric Buckling Flow

Buckling of Dielectric Elastomeric Plates for Soft, Electrically Active Microfluidic Pumps

Soft Matter, 10, 4789, (2014)

B. Tavakol, M. Bozlar, C. Punckt, G. Froehlicher, H.A. Stone, I.A. Aksay, and D.P. Holmes

Paper: [Journal]

Buckling Flow

Control and Manipulation of Microfluidic Flow via Elastic Deformations

Soft Matter, 9, 7049–7053, (2013)

D.P. Holmes, B. Tavakol, G. Froehlicher, and H.A. Stone

Paper: [Journal]

Solid-Solid Interfaces: Adhesion and Friction

Swelling Adhesion

Swelling Effects on Localized Adhesion of an Elastic Ribbon

Proceedings of the Royal Society A, 475, 20190067, (2019)

M. Curatolo, P. Nardinocchi, L. Teresi, and D.P. Holmes

Paper: [Journal]


Revisiting the Generalized Scaling Law for Adhesion: Role of Compliance and Extension to Progressive Failure

Soft Matter, 13, 7529–7536, (2017)

A.R. Mojdehi, D.P. Holmes, and D.A. Dillard

Paper: [Journal]


Friction of Extensible Strips: An Extended Shear Lag Model with Experimental Evaluation

International Journal of Solids and Structures, 124, 125–134, (2017)

A.R. Mojdehi, D.P. Holmes, and D.A. Dillard

Paper: [Journal]

Biomechanics and Morphogenesis

Optic Cup

Elastic Instabilities Govern the Morphogenesis of the Optic Cup

Physical Review Letters, 127, 138102 (2021)

J.-H. Lee , H.S. Park, D.P. Holmes

Paper: [Journal]

Lipid Tubes

Mechanics of Surface Area Regulation in Cells Examined with Confined Lipid Membranes

Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 108(22), 9084–9088, (2011)

M. Staykova, D.P. Holmes, C. Read, and H.A. Stone

Paper: [Journal]

Publication List

(45.) J.–H. Lee, H.S. Park, and D.P. Holmes, “Stimuli-Responsive Shell Theory,” Accepted: Mathematics and Mechanics of Solids, (2023).

(44.) A. Guerra, A. Slim, D.P. Holmes, and O. Kodio, “Self–Ordering of Buckling, Bending, and Bumping Beams,” Physical Review Letters, 130, 148201, (2023). [Physics]

(43.) A. Guerra and D.P. Holmes, “Elastogranular Sheets”. Matter, 6(4), 1217–1230, (2023). [code] [Matter: Perspective]

(42.) A. Guerra, C. Lautzenhiser, X. Jiang, K. Flanagan, D. Rak, S. Tibbits, and D.P. Holmes, “Elastogranular Columns and Beams.” Soft Matter, 18, 8262– 8270, (2022). (Editorial Board: Highlighted Papers of 2022)

(41.) L. Stein–Montalvo, J.-H. Lee, Y. Yang, M. Landesberg, H.S. Park, and D.P. Holmes, “Efficient snap-through of spherical caps by applying a localized curvature stimulus,” European Physical Journal E (EPJE), 45:3, 1–11, (2022). [EPJE Highlight]

(40.) J.–H. Lee, H.S. Park, and D.P. Holmes, “Elastic Instabilities Govern the Morphogenesis of the Optic Cup,” Physical Review Letters, 127, 138102, (2021).

(39.) A. Guerra and D.P. Holmes, “Emergence of Structure in Columns of Grains and Elastic Rods”. Soft Matter, 17, 7662, (2021). [Random Walk Podcast][BU Engineering]

(38.) L. Stein–Montalvo, D.P. Holmes, and G. Coupier “Delayed buckling of spherical shells due to viscoelastic knockdown of the critical load,” Proceedings of the Royal Society A, 477, 20210253, (2021).

(37.) Y. Yang, K. Vella, and D.P. Holmes, “Grasping with Kirigami Shells,” Science Robotics, 6, eabd6426, (2021). [IEEE: Soft Robotics Podcast][Mecharithm][CNET][Futurity][The Spoon][BU The Brink]

(36.) Z. Cohen, N. Elberfeld, A. Moorman, J. Laucks, S. Kernizan, D.P. Holmes, and S. Tibbits, “Superjammed: Tunable and Morphable Spanning Structures Through Granular Jamming”, Technology | Architecture + Design (TAD), 4:2, 211–220, (2020).

(35.) D.P. Holmes, J.H. Lee, H.S. Park, and M. Pezzulla, “The nonlinear buckling behavior of a complete spherical shell under uniform external pressure and homogenous natural curvature,” Physical Review E, 102, 023003, (2020). [arXiv] [Mathematica]

(34.) D.J. Schunter Jr., R.K. Czech, and D.P. Holmes, “Packing Transitions in the Elastogranular Confinement of a Slender Loop,” Soft Matter, 16, 2039–2044, (2020).

(33.) D.J. Schunter Jr., M. Boucher, and D.P. Holmes, “Elastogranularity in Binary Granular Mixtures,” Granular Matter, 22:3, (2020).

(32.) A. Lee, D. Yan, M. Pezzulla, D.P. Holmes, and P.M. Reis, “Evolution of critical buckling conditions in imperfect bilayer shells through residual swelling,” Soft Matter, 15, 6134-6144, (2019).

(31.) M. Curatolo, P. Nardinocchi, L. Teresi, and D.P. Holmes, “Swelling effects on localized adhesion of an elastic ribbon,” Proceedings of the Royal Society A, 475(2225), 67, (2019). [PDF]

(30.) D.P. Holmes, “Elasticity and Stability of Shape Changing Structures,” Current Opinion in Colloid and Interface Science, 40:118-137, (2019). [PDF] [arXiv]

(29.) L. Stein-Montalvo, P. Costa, M. Pezzulla, D.P. Holmes, “Buckling of geometrically confined shells,” Soft Matter, 15(6), 1215-1222, (2019). [PDF] [arXiv]
Special Issue: Emerging Investigators
Front Cover

(28.) Y. Yang, M.A. Dias, and D.P. Holmes, “Multistable Kirigami for Tunable Architected Materials,” Physical Review Materials, 2, 110601(R), (2018). [PDF] [arXiv]

(27.) X. Jiang, M. Pezzulla, H. Shao, T.K. Ghosh, and D.P. Holmes, “Snapping of bistable, prestressed cylindrical shells,” Europhysics Letters (EPL), 122(6), (2018). [Link] [arXiv]

(26.) S. Wei, H. Shao, X. Jiang, D.P. Holmes, and T.K. Ghosh, “Bioinspired Electrically Activated Soft Bistable Actuators,” Advanced Functional Materials, 1802999, (2018). [Link]

(25.) M. Taffetani, X. Jiang, D.P. Holmes, and D. Vella, “Static Bistability of Spherical Caps,” Proceedings of the Royal Society A, 474(2213), (2018). [Link] [arXiv]

(24.) D.J. Schunter Jr., M. Brandenbourger, S. Perriseau, and D.P. Holmes, “Elastogranular Mechanics: Buckling, Jamming, and Structure Formation,” Physical Review Letters, 120, 078002, (2018). [PDF] [arXiv][Soft Bites]
Front Cover

(23.) M. Pezzulla, N. Stoop, M.P. Steranka, A.J. Bade, and D.P. Holmes, “Curvature-Induced Instabilities of Shells,” Physical Review Letters, 120, 048002, (2018). [PDF] [arXiv]

(22.) M.A. Dias, M.P. McCarron, D. Rayneau-Kirkhope, P.Z. Hanakata, D.K. Campbell, H.S. Park, and D.P. Holmes, “Kirigami Actuators,” Soft Matter, 13, 9087-9802, (2017). [PDF] [arXiv]
Back Cover: [Link]

(21.) A.R. Mojdehi, D.P. Holmes, and D.A. Dillard, “Revisiting the Generalized Scaling Law for Adhesion: Role of Compliance and Extension to Progressive Failure,” Soft Matter, 13, 7529-7536, (2017). [PDF]

(20.) B. Tavakol, D.P. Holmes, G. Froehlicher, and H.A. Stone, “Extended Lubrication Theory: Estimation of Fluid Flow in Channels with Variable Geometry,” Proceedings of the Royal Society A, 474, 0234, (2017).[PDF] [arXiv]

(19.) A.R. Mojdehi, D.P. Holmes, and D.A. Dillard, “Friction of extensible strips: An extended shear lag model with experimental evaluation,” International Journal of Solids and Structures, (2017). [PDF]

(18.) M. Pezzulla, N. Stoop, X. Jiang, and D.P. Holmes, “Curvature-Driven Morphing of Non-Euclidean Shells,” Proceedings of the Royal Society A, 473(2201), (2017). [Link] [arXiv]

(17.) A.R. Mojdehi, B. Tavakol, W. Royston, D.A. Dillard, D.P. Holmes, “Buckling of elastic beams embedded in granular media,” Extreme Mechanics Letters, 9, 237-244, (2016). [PDF]

(16.) D.P. Holmes, P.-T. Brun, A. Pandey, and S. Protière, “Rising beyond elastocapillarity,” Soft Matter, 12, 4886-4890, (2016). [PDF]
Front Cover: [Link]

(15.) M. Pezzulla, G.P. Smith, P. Nardinocchi, and D.P. Holmes, “Geometry and Mechanics of Thin Growing Bilayers,” Soft Matter, 12, 4435-4442, (2016). [PDF] [arXiv]

(14.) B. Tavakol and D.P. Holmes, “Voltage-Induced Buckling of Dielectric Films using Fluid Electrodes,” Applied Physics Letters, 108, 112901 (2016).[PDF] [arXiv]

(13.) M. Pezzulla, S.A. Shillig, P. Nardinocchi, and D.P. Holmes, “Morphing of Geometric Composites via Residual Swelling,” Soft Matter, 11, 5812-5820, (2015). [PDF] [arXiv]
Inside Cover: [Link]

(12.) R.H. Plaut, A.D. Borum, D.P. Holmes, and D.A. Dillard, “Falling vertical chain of oscillators, including collisions, damping, and pretensioning,” Journal of Sound and Vibration, 349, 195-205, (2015). [PDF]

(11.) D.P. Holmes, A.D. Borum, B.F. Moore III, R.H. Plaut, and D.A. Dillard, “Equilibria and Instabilities of a Slinky: Discrete Model”, International Journal of Nonlinear Mechanics, 65, 236-244, (2014). [PDF] [arXiv]

(10.) B. Tavakol, M. Bozlar, C. Punckt, D.P. Holmes, G. Froehlicher, H.A. Stone, I.A. Aksay, and D.P. Holmes, “Buckling of Dielectric Elastomeric Plates for Soft, Electrically Active Microfluidic Pumps “, Soft Matter, 10(27), 4789-4794, (2014). [PDF]

(9.) A. Pandey, D.E. Moulton, D. Vella, and D.P. Holmes, “Dynamics of Snapping Beams and Jumping Poppers”, EPL (Europhysical Letters), 105, 24001, (2014). [PDF] [arXiv]

(8.) A. Pandey and D.P. Holmes, “Swelling-Induced Deformations: A Materials-Defined Transition from Macroscopic to Microscopic Deformations,” Soft Matter, 9, 5524, (2013). [PDF]

(7.) D.P. Holmes, B. Tavakol, G. Froehlicher, and H.A. Stone, “Control and Manipulation of Microfluidic Fluid Flow via Elastic Deformations”, Soft Matter, 9, 7049, (2013). [PDF]
Special Issue: Emerging Investigators [PDF]

(6.) D.P. Holmes, “Elastic Instabilities for Form and Function”, iMechanica, (2012). [Link]

(5.) D.P. Holmes, M. Roché, T. Sinha, and H.A. Stone, “Bending and Twisting of Soft Materials by Non-Homogenous Swelling,” Soft Matter, 7, 5188, (2011). [PDF]

(4.) M. Staykova, D.P. Holmes, C. Read, and H.A. Stone, Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci, 108(22), 9084-9088, (2011). [PDF]

(3.) D.P. Holmes and A.J. Crosby, “Draping Films: A Wrinkle to Fold Transition,” Physical Review Letters, 105, 038303, (2010). [PDF]

(2.) D.P. Holmes, M. Ursiny, and A.J. Crosby, “Crumpled Surface Structures,” Soft Matter, 4, 82, (2008). [PDF]

(1.) D.P. Holmes and A.J. Crosby, “Snapping Surfaces,” Advanced Materials, 19, 3589, (2007). [PDF]